matter for earth, not sure about air. this kind of falls apart now :x
matter for earth, not sure about air. this kind of falls apart now :x
maybe fire in classical alchemy is more like energy than just fire. I wonder what other elements are if you extend that logic to them
Autocracies seem like flame. Some burn hotter and some colder but its not really sustainable because eventually they will run out of “fuel”. They also will cause harm to everyone around them if big enough and at least concern for neighbours or if they have access to things that can easily cause harm, even if they are small.
Capitalism is just exploitation of those with no capital. If we really cant have strong economy without that then might as well not have one.
“and we never will”
this should imply something that cant be changed. Such empty words should no longer be even considered no matter who says them, unless its paired with enforceable punishment for breaking the word
I started to feel a little better and like i understand myself a little better after watching some videos from here : https://www.youtube.com/@OurTimelessWisdom/videos
specifically the ones featuring carl jung, havent watched others yet
no but i feel like i’m being denied it.
I hope the people who are fighting back understand the importance of making it known people are fighting back. Hope is really important.
werent they purging the government of any loyalists right now? What will happen after that is finished and they have put more traitors in charge of army, intelligence and such?
something like this would also harm their business in general. Garbage like that has no place anywhere.
why would you want to be immortal? everything ends eventually, so why would you want to be the only one forced to stay?
This has likely been brewing since cold war. Didnt some soviet leader basically gloat how they will destroy usa from within? soviet union has basically won the cold war now, even worse than if they had conquered usa with military.
Something like this also cant be managed just from outside. Ones in power now are traitors.
if i was shareholder i would be furious about that. Isnt “infinite growth” the very point of all this insanity?
being consumer friendly has brought them more money than any exploitative behaviour ever could have. Getting rid of that would be like butchering a goose that makes golden eggs just so you can get some extra money from the meat.
why even have a threshold, just tell when the last update has been and update it automatically. That way you could also have more reliable data about patterns of the dev and see if they just have really long update cycle.
yeah, the amount should be 0. I really hope you succeed though, rest of the world will be fucked if you dont as powerbalance shifts in horrible way.
Its interesting idea but i wonder if humans are capable of running it beyond so small groups that it wouldnt matter. It would require huge amount of planning and creative thinking to get anarchy working in such way it would benefit everyone and to mitigate its problems.
Then there is also the problem of our current system influencing the new system. Lets say we manage somehow overthrow the current opression and start implementing somekind of anarchy that has been planned in such way it functions beneficially for everyone. By its nature, there couldnt be any authority that defines what anarchy is by its core since it would be up to the people themselves.
I can imagine anarchy easily fragmenting into pieces and then some pieces gaining more support than others and then we would have several competing ideas. Ultimately one would win and others might or might not survive too. And then we would have new ruling system that is probably not anarchy. I dont mean this would happen immediately but eventually. So there would need to be somekind of defensive system against that that would prevent harmful ideas from gaining power, but how to make something like that without it becoming oppressive? And how do you restrict anarchy in the first place since the whole point is there is no central authority? And if you try to have authority that isnt central, you end up with multiple ones that become central authority within their area of influence.
Maybe i’m not as well versed on anarchy as i should to be throwing these thoughts around, but these are some thoughts i have on the subject. As far as i know, anarchism is that people make the rules themselves instead of there being central authority that tells them what to do.
So ultimately anarchism is idea that would require a lot of planning and researching to be even considered worth trying if you want to implement it in controlled way. And i dont see any government allowing such planning to happen since it would be direct threat to them if you manage to create something that is worth trying. And very likely if they still were to allow it, they would just want to influence your work in such way they gain more power from it at the expense of others. And if we had some government that would want it because they want what is good for everyone, then wouldnt that government type be what you wanted to have with anarchy in the first place? Anarchy for sake of itself doesnt seem very useful.
And if you want to implement it “naturally” by just removing all authorities and allowing people to settle things by themselves, i think we can all imagine how that would go.
When I think about it that way, anarchism seems more like “initialization” or starting point where you start building something more complex. Everything we currently have is founded on anarchism afterall, at least i dont think first humans could have had any other system. You cant really hold on to it because it will change either by the people or by the power that wants to preserve it.
Now this turned into kind of an essay
those people are looking for something to hate. This is also why those kind of people are deadend for humanity. If they get rid of all immigrants they will find some other group to hate and after getting rid of those they will find another again until there are only 2 people that want to kill eachother, if you excuse the hyperbole.
anyone who wants to seriously resist this should start preparing for it already or finding ways to support those who want to be more active about it if they cant afford to do anything themselves.