Not really. The system will instead keep finding ways to get people to rent at higher prices or take out low down payment loans with ever larger monthly payments taking a lot more of take home salaries and making it harder than ever to save and invest.
Private equity is already gobbling up the houses. Boomers are cashing in to finance extravagant retirement. Those who are not, are leaving it to their children who will then sell to private equity groups.
Dhar is correct. He infamously threw rolls of paper towels at victims of hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico. Mother fucker. I lost my uncle in Puerto Rico shortly after the hurricane and I largely blame the lack of response from the Trump administration to assist with recovery with the difficulty the first responders had in getting to him and to the emergency room.
That guy is an atheist hating asshole and has got far more miles from the shtick than ever should have.
Could Apple disable the oxymeter until this is resolved?
Leroy Jenkins
What a fucking coward. Say what you will about Steve Jobs, but he would likely never had done this. So much for think different.
Lost all respect for Tim.