I took a commuter train to the big city the other day and I couldn’t believe how many other commuters were scrolling through TikTok with speaker on, or video calling their parents with speaker on. Nobody else wants to hear your shitty music videos.
I took a commuter train to the big city the other day and I couldn’t believe how many other commuters were scrolling through TikTok with speaker on, or video calling their parents with speaker on. Nobody else wants to hear your shitty music videos.
It’s probably better to copy everything as an attachment to a dedicated portable drive
This would get you fired from some jobs.
No cutting in line!
Puerto Rico, to Alberta
Yeah, he reimplemented it in Java to get garbage collection. The Alzheimer’s is cured but he takes ten minutes to pour a glass of water.
Whoops, stopped the lungs process instead of the cardiac arrest process.
Actually you really want to restart the heart service, right? sudo systemd restart heart
Subcom: noum (informal) a submissive comedy
Depends on your definition of “better”. Better bitrate and quality? Yes. But that comes at the cost of reduced range (since it’s more dependent on a good connection to the source device).
LDAC or bust, homie.
Relevant XKCD: https://xkcd.com/435/
This is partly why I prefer Firefox’s implementation of the find feature - it allows case-sensitive search while Chrome does not support it.
Surely the word ‘in’ would appear countless times out of context on the table of contents.
Stream quality was worthwhile during pandemic. I participated in quite a few movie/TV nights streaming to a few friends on Discord.
Pogs are pretty pwn.
3D Pinball: Space Cadet for life.
I saw. Barbaric!
“unlabeled houses?”
What kinda neighbourhood did you grow up in where people couldn’t even bother to put a number on their house?
At work they just call me: “Put those pens back and get outta here; you were fired weeks ago!”
Great song and free as in freedom.
I know of a guy who died when his old Beetle rolled over on the highway. I wouldn’t feel confident in one at speed.