Take your meds guys
Take your meds guys
Oh god don’t give mega-corps an idea to start buying and super up charging grave plots
Only point of dispute is if she wins by a large margin they’ll just say the only way someone can win by such a large gap is through fraud.
If you want to pass the pain to someone else you can order it on Uber or whatever and specify they go through human checkout lmao
Because Reddit is infested with bot accounts at this point I tend to trust older threads over newer ones. Easy as hell to buy accs to say a competitor sucks dick
Icefrog always subtly forcing his visage into any game he works on smh /s
Well the game is what? 10+ years old now
And because it’s expensive people have abused these poor animals just so they can sell the coffee.
Yeah and I feel it was pushed by the ultra rich. The ultra rich were pretty much all men and controlled everything including the papers that most read back then. Ultra rich see any progress as an attack on their wealth
Always has been, it was just easier to disguise what they were feeding the masses when there was no internet
Icefrog is an extremely talented dev so this game is for sure to be real fun. I trust in the frog as a life long dota player
That’s why I say good people. Good people respect others religions and don’t try to force feed them theirs
Wild people rule out others based on religion. I don’t give af as long as they’re good people
This is an outdated sort of meme. I think everyone pretty much agrees PlayStation is the one you want if you want quality games.
Ah yes, as if a god would know less about the universe it created than Einstein. This is some weird sciencier than thou comic and this sort of sentiment does nothing but drive wedges between people, best to avoid that
Honestly, he’s pretty good about only using slurs in private and I bet in private he’s already said quite a bit
Yes, but I think you’d gain respect points and thus pass
Is this public? I wouldn’t mind browsing it
I think steam does that when a profile gets reported a bunch for stuff like this. Hence the name right after the numbers
One thing I was shocked about when I visited NYC was how big the rock pigeons are. Bitches be huge