Yeah I think that’s exactly it
I think there’s a lot of overlap between people interested in a reddit alternative and a twitter alternative. Or maybe as that guy below says it’s just that I’m personally posting about it a lot.
How can any line that is on the surface of a sphere be straight rather than a curve?
It will be nice when the energy density on batteries has gotten high enough and charging times have gotten low enough that we can move on from making cars so aerodynamic and experiment more with funkier form factors.
Thanks I appreciate that, I do need to be right and will think whatever I want.
That seems more like you are going to hang out in a place where those people also hang out, and are encountering them there, as opposed to them following you around.
What inbox? Like people are sending you angry emails? Still doesn’t really have a “following you around” vibe.
But the reality they’re referencing is someone being “in their house” in the sense of being in their tweet replies. Nobody is following you around online, you’re carrying them around in your pocket.
Probably just a minor processing error in your sound driver and nothing to worry about. I think I have had a similar experience with a particular white noise machine with hearing some slightly patterned sound when there wasn’t really a pattern. If it’s bothering you or increasing can’t hurt to go see a doctor (well can’t hurt too bad as long as you’re insured…) and get their input.
“When corrected” is doing a lot of work there
Oh no they’ll contaminate some glass and plastic that have been thrown away!
We’re in one of the best times to be alive in history and the world is still getting better in many ways, I just try to feel grateful for that when I see something that’s bad or getting worse.
Yeah just go ahead and put them in the metal / glass / plastic recycling, they will figure it out on that end with all the others that get thrown in there.
This is why the alien entity in the Expanse was called the Protatomolecule
Nice. All corporate mergers are anti-consumer and anti-worker.
Reddit removed downvotes?
That doesn’t make any sense. If I’m instantly transported 2 feet to my left I’m still going to be in the same room, not in outer space. Maybe you’re thinking of this issue with time travel?
Meaning you’re on a space station right now?
Lately I’ve just been rewatching the final episode of the previous season before starting a new one. I’m a little lost in that episode but by the end I’m following along, and it’s usually an exciting finale episode that gets me excited to watch the next episode.
What billionaire?