Here to enjoy lemmy. My other fedi accounts:

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 10th, 2024


  • Alright everyone, thank you so much for your thoughtful recommendations! To sum it up, here’s what I have done:

    • I used let’s encrypt’s Certbot to get my SSL certs and setup https, auto-renew every 3 months and I setup a reminder to update Certbot every month.
    • I setup a permanent redirect from http to https in Apache
    • I installed a firewall on the Pi, only 80, 443 and [22 from my computer to the RPi] are open. I couldn’t find the firewall settings on my router but I assume they exist since I had to forward 80 and 443 there.
    • installed the following plugins: WordFence and WP Fail2Ban
    • changed the user password on the pi to a better longer one

    I think I should be all set, shouldn’t I?