It’s easy and makes good coffee and you don’t have to fuck about with a machine or pods and all kinds of waste
It’s easy and makes good coffee and you don’t have to fuck about with a machine or pods and all kinds of waste
… do some of us go on the journey with the cow who sees the light and others on the journey with the cow how doesn’t?
Or are we already on the path with the cow and our other is on the path with their cow?
The wrong thread to stumble into during lunch, but that’s on me.
Now, in the 20s
Fuck, my back
Against the storm is pretty fun
Crows love dog food and unsalted peanuts.
You want friends you ought to carry some in your pockets, caw politely and place some food down and walk off.
I have a murder that hangs out in front of my house that know me now.
Again my warning: THIS IS NOT A GOOD DRINKING GLASS! It’s difficult to get liquids in. Difficult to get liquids out. It’s difficult to clean. (it’s also difficult to make, if that’s any consolation. ) Please treat it as a mathematical curiousity rather than a practical cup.
Clearly that’s Finn dressed up as Fiona
The game never looked super great in screenshots, but when you’re playing it with the sounds and water moving and the sway of the boat and sails going, etc, it definitely becomes MUCH more engrossing and immersive.
I really dislike the notion of a SUV being considered a “hot hatchback”
Especially considering the hot hatch was born in the 70s
I will die on this hill.
Alone, no less.
… I mean it still might be your Christmas present, just this year
I can only assume Ms. Squid has finished your sweater…
What’s the status on my Penguin sweater?
No rush, of course 😅
Also it was a largely outdoor area, like half building half covered cement pad with exposed wood beams.
It was absorbent.
I was party to a spaghetti dinner food fight at a summer camp in the mid 90s.
The dining area smelled good for one day and then like rotting sweet death the rest of the week.
Stupid sexy Europeans and their stupid sexy privacy laws
They’re referring to how espressos uses pressure to extract the flavor from the grounds vs pour over which relies on a good grind and a proper bloom.