I just switched to Bazzite yesterday and it’s insane how far linux has come. Next-next and everything works, even on a nightmare combination of hardware (Lenovo Legion half assed uefi, amd apu+ nvidia gpu).
I just switched to Bazzite yesterday and it’s insane how far linux has come. Next-next and everything works, even on a nightmare combination of hardware (Lenovo Legion half assed uefi, amd apu+ nvidia gpu).
For the first time in a long time I might stick seeing the state of Linux today, especially Plasma 6. I’m eyeing Fedora 40 or Bazzite, tried Kinoite and pretty much everything I need works out of the box, the only thing I need to figure out is OneDrive.
You may hit the nail on the head, once you get the broom you just breeze past everyhring. The forbidden forest may be the most dense content wise on foot, everything after that does feel more sparse as it was designed with the broom in mind. All in all I still enjoyed the game and got my moneys worth out of it, I did pick it up rather cheap on a sale
Bought Hogwarts Legacy a week or so on a deep discount and I’m enjoying the hell of it. During december I traditionally watch the Harry Potter movies so now I expanded to the game. So far it might be my game of the year since I didn’t try Baldur’s gate 3 yet, I’ll pick that one up on a sale later on. I’m taking my time and explore every nook and cranny in the game. I was hyped for Diablo 4 as a long time devotee but in it’s current form it’s simply not fun and needs quire a rework for me to pick it up sadly. The atmosphere, visuals, music, even combat is spot on but it lost way too much on other fronts. Starfield is another game which I put on hold as I simply didn’t continue the game at some point, will probably resume it after a few more patches.
Right off the top of my head I can think of two:
Thank you for conforming, just ordered the earpods
Thank you for the detailed testing, that helped!
Those two are really the only good use cases today for facebook. Insane how Marketplace pretty much overnight almost killed local listing sites. Events I don’t see good alternatives, don’t have much hopes for that one, time will show