Can’t remember the last time that a headline about someone being shot and killed brought a smile to my face, but here we are. Brian Thompson deserves no sympathy.
Can’t remember the last time that a headline about someone being shot and killed brought a smile to my face, but here we are. Brian Thompson deserves no sympathy.
It might be because of the ugly security checkpoint/check-in area filled with a thousand tourists - I’m guessing the trees and that fake monstrous spire-extension were added to hide the not-so desirable parts of it?
I’ve heard it called “US Defaultism” where most Americans online seem to assume that everyone they interact with is from their country and all US news is considered significant even when it really isn’t.
Name checks out
There’s just so few decent FTP clients out there, and all of them are very ugly lol
I did notice that the only people not opting for WFH/hybrid at my last job were all the married-with-kids types who hated being around their family and used work as an escape. It was really sad to see lol
Diving or driving lol?
Yaaaas 2002 Solaris Team.
I do like both adaptations, but I really love how the 2002 version was handled and scored.
Ditto. I don’t ever replay single player games, but I’ve played Control 3 times and this post makes me want to start again! It and the DLC are all atmospheric gold
GREAT game!
There was a segment in the 2005 game “Condemned: Criminal Origins” where mannequins in a department store at night would only move (and surround you) when you weren’t looking. Scared the shit of me way back then.
And this is why I back up Google Drive locally every night.
She’s back!
I can’t imagine wearing shoes indoors because of how filthy the outdoors is, but good for you for taking the leap!
Wear socks in the house only. Have an indoor doormat near the door where your outdoor shoes sit. Treat your indoor doormat as the “outside” and treat it like lava, not to be touched by anything but outdoor shoes. When you come in from outside, you remove your shoes near the edge of your indoor mat and step your clean socked feet one at a time off of the mat and onto your normal flooring (not on the mat, the mat is dirty).
When going outside, step your clean socks from your flooring into the shoes on your mat.
TL;DR: the outside is lava, your indoor door mat (because your outdoor shoes touch it) is lava. Your shoes are all lava-walking shoes. Your socks will burn up in the lava 🔥
Your floors will be so much cleaner and more sanitary and won’t have to be cleaned as often, and you won’t have microscopic amounts of dog poop and piss and grime and dirt everywhere.
I do the dishes as soon as possible, wipe the kitchen surfaces daily if used, I scrub the toilets the second they don’t look sparkling (to prevent gross buildup, maybe every 10 days, there are no stand-pee-ers in this house spraying piss everywhere lol), my Roomba runs every 2 days to get most dust on the floor that normally would get kicked back up, and I pay for some house cleaners to come once a month to get what I missed and do a better job at it.
What can I do or watch to improve my knife skills? I’m aware of how woefully incompetent I am when it takes me like 2 minutes to dice an onion the way Ramsay does in 10 seconds lol
No, it’s just sad that the 13 year old edgelords from Reddit are coming here to ruin Lemmy too
Hopefully it stays that way! Most communities here seem to have a fucked up version of moderation where going “I’m glad Hitler is dead” yields a ban for celebrating violence lol