Imagine this meme, but in Severance.
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🏴 Tactical Solarpunk
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Imagine this meme, but in Severance.
Not to mention Melon Husk is VERY disingenuous about how much money he’s supposedly saving
Ayo! Fellow environmental scientist ;D
The way I know anti-DEI sentiments are inherently racist no matter how they spin it is because they seem to forget DEI literally also covers white people. Especially for ivy league university selection and the tech industry. They’re either so far up their own ass they completely forgot about that (until it comes back to bite them in said ass) or they don’t care because they know and are secure in the fact that anti-DEI is pro-whiteness and will be enacted as such.
Fuck this is depressing… So the farm owners themselves sold out their own employees?
I want a Japanese ketai phone with android 10+, easily rootable, AND HAS A DAMN TOUCH CRUISER. They day Sharp decided to stop making flip phones with touch cruiser is the day innovation truly died.
Or an e-ink flip phone, that would be pretty cool.
Holy shit. Thank you for bringing pebble to my attention.
Y e s. Christ that was depressing.
I also found that out while looking for celebrities for the block lists! And holy shit, she’s so intensely outspoken, I got fckin whiplash
“How to Detect Canine Hip Dysplasia”
Am I going to get sacked by a dog?
Ποια άλλη να’ ταν;
Lol a better example would be “bitch, explain humans” we’re the biggest anomaly to this statement. In ecology we refer to our evolutionary perseverance as “survival of the collaborative”
Large systems still depend on small ones. This is just a fundamental disagreement on how systems work and our understanding of them. You think anarchism means “yeehaw do whatever”. I don’t. This conversation is pointless. And I only talked about traffic for a second, responding to your example.
Anarchy was our first system and it’ll probably be our last. And for a lot of groups of people who have been forgotten and abandoned by the rest of the world, it’s all they have. It’s not about “driving on the other side of the Autobahn”, tf? We understand that anarchism isn’t something you can revolution your way into. It’s the principles and way of life of caring for others and collectively dragging the boot off of people’s necks without depending on/outside of a system that’s designed to marginalize and exploit people.
So you can take your “but muh rules” to someone who cares.
Because anarchy isn’t chaos my dude. And funny you should bring up traffic laws considering many countries have different traffic laws - and yet no one has an issue with that. Hasn’t disturbed anyone.
Anarchy isn’t just democracy (which technically, democracy is a no-cracy since the “power” being in the hands of the people - aka everyone - makes it obsolete, so there isn’t really a -cracy). Anarchism looks at existing systems and unravels them little by little and pinpoints which aspects of our behaviour and our lives have been dictated by what - and how they would be different if no one forced them to be so. In an anarchist society there wouldn’t be much to agree on concerning traffic safety because, simply put, it would follow the standard method of figuring out what works, like how traffic laws are mostly made now. Only difference is if a rule was deemed unhelpful or harmful, the people could contest it a lot more easily because they give a shit about their loved one’s safety
We do, and even those have rules. Not phonetic rules though
I got DM’d too!! Lessgoooo
Since I come from a culture where our alphabet is actually consistent to how you pronounce things with no exceptions:
An example as if I was talking to you: “I’ll wack you like an octopus” which technically already describes the action, however traditionally in my country after catching octopus in order to properly kill them and soften them up, fishermen basically smack/wacked them on the ground maniacally.
And I think it’s become such a popular figure of speech because that mental image is hilarious and I love using it.
What is the biggest faux pas on a date, in your opinion?