There’d be a 180° and people would start claiming that the political leaders were controlling the aliens rather than the other way around
There’d be a 180° and people would start claiming that the political leaders were controlling the aliens rather than the other way around
I’d try and convince them that politicians are a race…
Most have Eurocentric accents because those are the areas the various legends and stories originated.
Various depictions of leprechauns make them pretty much Irish rednecks. I love Mad Sweeney’s depiction in American Gods.
Except that rising interest has also fucked up the market for builders who are now producing even less houses
There are three reasons that “good landlords” seem to be scarce:
People tend to be more vocal about bad experiences than good, so we’ll definitely hear more about the bad ones
Many people decided to become a landlord because it outpaced other “investments” greatly, especially if you’re a shitty landlord who doesn’t put profit back into maintaining said “investment”
Many of the good landlords that did exist and weren’t gouging eventually got hit with a bad tenant that cost them a lot of suffering and $$$ while being extremely difficult to evict. Whether it’s true or not, I still hear current ones who say they’re charging [crazy amount] to pad for the eventual $20k bill when a bad tenant wrecks their place (and these days it’s not hard to do $20k+ in damage)
Also per the comic: I’ve never heard of anyone tipping a landlord, good or bad
Garage tech startups where the garage belongs to your already upper-income-class parents