Correct, I like them personally.
Correct, I like them personally.
Driscoll sucks anyway.
What else he gonna wear, moon contacts?
Traditionally, Mineral oil + fragrance
Mineral oil is also known as paraffin oil and is usually a petrochemical derivative composed of larger alkane hydrcarbons. Fragrance varies a lot.
In English this is called swamp ass.
Yeah, pointy sticks smeared with shit as a trap are quite effective when the traps are hidden in dense jungle.
I toast my sandwiches. So yes, in a manner of speaking yes.
It’s not even cooked after?
Unfortunately, viagra exists.
They’re a cult, everyone within the cult implicitly agrees on the reality that matches what the leader(s) say regardless of what the leader does. There are many pipelines into the cult, gamers/incels, being an outcast for some reason, the general shitty state of things, etc they all lead to a desire for things to be better in some way. The leader promises this and everyone in the cult agrees that following the leader will fix these things somehow. If the leader does something contrary it is justified simply by saying that you as not the leader don’t understand. There’s 5d chess being played and while you’re awesome and good with 4d chess because you’re in the cult only the leader and some of the higher ups know the 5d strategy. Don’t worry and trust the leader. Drink the Flavor aid, your kids and friends already did.
Yes, pre-pandemic eggs would average like $1.25 a dozen and fancy (more ethical) would be like $3 or $4. After pandemic average had been around 3 or 4 and fancy around 5 or 6. Currently average costs around $9 and fancy around 12. Since our health agencies are getting fucked despite the ongoing bird flu prices are only expected to get worse for domestic eggs. As a bonus to this Republicans are putting tariffs on our neighbors (Mexico and Canada) so prices will remain higher even with importing any shortfall of domestic production.
Eggs are historically a cheap source of protein but are now more expensive than meat. Eggs prices were one of the main stated reasons that people believed the economy wasn’t doing well under Biden.
Yeah this is from an abridged series called “code ment” YouTuber is purpleeyeswtf
Blue is only ok with 1 external genocide and there was a possibility of pressuring Blue to be a decent human. Red is starting an internal genocide while supporting 2+ external genocides. Red would start another genocide just to be contrarian. With no other options less genocide is a fairly simple choice over more genocide. Not choosing less genocide allows more genocide. Congrats the blood is up to your knees and rising instead of just your ankles.
A lot of times the smoke just turned them that color…
Split the difference, bolo tie
The disrespect to Data. I expect better of lemmings.
Yeah, well don’t keep it in that part lol.
Are you not allowed to invest it? My HSA is invested in an ETF…
Because they made this instead of cleaning or doing home projects.
Nope, still ~same amount of beer. A us pint is only 16oz which is only 473ml.