What’s crazy is that some of the people I talk to, I expected to say something like “yeah, but he didn’t get a trial.”
It’s been “yeah, he’s been on trial for 3 years at UHC, and 20 before that. And he was declared guilty.”
woah holy shit a bio?
What’s crazy is that some of the people I talk to, I expected to say something like “yeah, but he didn’t get a trial.”
It’s been “yeah, he’s been on trial for 3 years at UHC, and 20 before that. And he was declared guilty.”
Oh that would be a neat challenge.
AI security guards (which I can only imagine look like Daleks from Dr Who) vs the public. How long before they just outright massacre a crowd?
Or, better yet, what happens when people start using drones as flying pipe bombs and the robots can’t even aim at it.
Ooooh or better yet, we can create devices that create a distraction for the AI robots.
Or, since I am pretty sure they’d be using some wireless connection of some sort, bring a signal jammer and just push em over.
Like you said, it’s hard to not be on security cameras, and they only shared the video of the attack that had a couple of frames of the upper half of his face. So they are looking for someone with the upper half of their face.
To me it seems like a really dumb idea for the police or news to share that the bullets had “Deny, Defend, Depose” engraved on them. You can’t tell me that they wouldn’t have known that it would energize everyone like that.
I have to appreciate the skepticism, and of course it could have been a hired hit, or schizo ramblings. But there were other people who were in the area, and I bet they “didn’t see anything.”
I highly doubt the schizo thing though. Psychosis won’t allow someone to be this careful.
The problem with the hitman theory is that it painted a target on all of these executives and board members. Including whoever could have hired the hit. Hell, it could have been a Russian assassin brought in by Trump to stir things up, and it backfired. If that ended up being the case, Trump would then face a lot of opposition from the elite.
To me, it really comes down to the fact that the motive isn’t what is important. What’s important is that so many millions of people have a motive, and now witnessed vulnerability in the elite that hurt them and killed family or friends.
Well, it was a good statement.
He put the fear in the elite. But clearly not enough.
Yet, they only shared one video.
Interesting isn’t it?
I don’t see anything
It’s the manifesto he left and that he did it on the security camera.
This assassin did this with extreme precision and enough awareness that he knew the camera was there.
It wasn’t a hired hit. This was a statement.
Oh really? The image loads for me, but I certainly didn’t see anything.
I don’t know what you were doing to end up in enough jails to know that, but I suspect that if there’s additional knowledge here, it’s that we should probably not do whatever that was
I’m pretty sure NBC, and ABC news, as well as several articles, have mentioned the similarity to the book title. Plus, deny, defend, depose has a VERY different statement.
“Deny claims, defend legally, remove from power.” The insurance companies deny the claims, know they can avoid court because the insured can’t possibly afford lawyers when they get buried under medical debt, and the last one has multiple purposes. Remove the power of medical professionals in their care expertise, remove the power of the patient’s voice, and remove the insurance companies and executives from having this power.
However, I acknowledge that the media shills for the owner class, and I see where the suspicion that they would change the words to fit that agenda is very possible. Unfortunately, without seeing the bullets, we have no way to verify what the actual words are. The only way we get that is from NYPD’s evidence storage which would need a criminal case.
The problem is that he represented the hoarding dragons. The dragons believe they can keep affording these lesser beings to take the blame for their wealth.
He took measures that made things actively worse for the insured to make him and the owners wealthier.
You can’t just skip to the boss fight. You gotta carve a path.
I can’t figure out if starting something is a discrete thing or continuous. Like can I half start a thing? If I can half-start a thing I feel like I do that - you get the picture
Language is strange man
Incredible our brains can make sense of any of it sometimes
So here’s something wild I learned.
To Canadians, when I speak French, I have a very thick American accent. However, when I speak English to Canadians, they really can’t tell my accent (presumably because I live in a bordering state?).
I always respect anyone who knows just enough English to communicate something simple/frequent. Because there is no fucking way they’d understand what I was trying to say in their language.
According to a professor I had in college, this isn’t abnormal for South Korea. He fondly recollected his time spent rioting, and when he first learned how to make molotovs.
That seems unfairly obvious, but I certainly didn’t consider it before.
No, see, the real red flags are the ones you aren’t aware of yet.
Those are the ones I’m frightened of. Like there’s just this itty-bit of something just waiting for the right bump to break and cut my brake lines while I’m on the highway.
I don’t know what it is, but I know it’s there, so I gotta be self-critical until I find the piece to fix!
At the very least I can tell you my job isn’t in sales.
Wait hold on
Wouldn’t that mean that lenders have a vested interest in keeping borrowers alive especially if they have extreme net debt?