I’m sure a lot of people will be infinitely thankful!!
Sono un dottorando in astronomia. Non sopporto le “questioni di orgoglio” e le “questioni di reputazione”.
I’m sure a lot of people will be infinitely thankful!!
I did, last time two months ago. Unfortunately their presentation software is pretty minimal at the moment, and I prefer the fully open ODP standard. Anyways, at the time there was an issue with videos that weren’t playing at all.
I saw a Libreoffice community but wasn’t very active… so I thought here I could find users of the software and experts on the possible technical issue. Hope this doesn’t bother too much.
I love sixel! On Konsole it works out of the box, and it’s my main way to work with plots on headless remote machine 😊.
Kate is my togo. With a terminal panel and latex->Unicode plugin is perfect for julia. I don’t need it, but you can also set up its LSP client.
I’m using the public instance routinely, and it does the job well.