You might want to X-post to c/relationshipadvice as well. That being said, the only one responsible for kidnapping anyone is the kidnappers. And no one should expect their friends or lover to kill their kidnappers. It would likely get you killed in the attempt. On top of this, these are all hypotheticals.
Someone who is using hypotheticals that they made up in their head against you is more worried about themselves than you.
It is not my place, but this person sounds like someone I wouldn’t even want to be friends with, let alone date. Friends are there to build each other up, not tear them down and add anxiety.
Most older games will have 2-3 engine loops that they will blend between and pitch accordingly, however Forza 5 specifically was the first in the series to use granular synthesis which is a much more modern approach.
These will have a series of sound files including all the different parts of the engine, exhaust, turbo, etc. Then the software slices these files into tons of pieces in real-time and plays the slices based on the players inputs.
It’s tricky to explain without examples, so here’s a video that does a decent job of explaining how it works in music:
Dang. I thought I was the only person who had ever heard of this one. Might have to boot it up in an emulator one of these days and give it a go.
I speak from experience that no one other than professionals should be handling their own mail servers in 2024. I worked for a mail host. The amount of spam and attacks that befall a mail provider, even a small one, is bonkers. Plus, mail is just too damn important.
I wish it wasn’t the case because the idea of everyone privately hosting their own mail servers would be pretty awesome. Sadly the modern internet makes it way too risky.
Infected Mushroom. They have a sound unlike anything I’ve heard anywhere else. I recommend the album Army of Mushrooms to newcomers, but their entire collection is solid.
I’ll pitch in since no one’s mentioned yet. Justwatch has been inconsistent for me in the past.
For files, yeah. I was thinking of text.
Cut deletes if you don’t paste after.
I can speak to this. I did phone support for 6 years working with VoIP (internet phones). In my experience, it’s much less their ability to learn and much more their willingness. So many people I worked with never wanted to go off their beaten track of what they already knew how to do.
They would do it often because it was a management decision and they were stuck with calling support. Even just training a group of 4-5 people how to transfer a call could take 15-30 minutes of explaining all the details. They don’t want new phones. They just want to get back to the work they know.
There are certainly exceptions and occasionally they will even find it fun to learn something new or get new features, but this was definitely not the rule.
I’ve always considered the perfect technology to be one you never realize you’re using. Linux, as broad and powerful as it’s utility can be, is anything but seamless to someone who doesn’t already have years of experience with it.
I can second the white noise. I fall asleep to a mix of rain, wind and rolling thunder pretty much every night. It probably takes about half the time it used to now that I do it as a habit.
I second Horizon. There are moments where I’m convinced the graphics are pre-rendered when cranked to the max.
Not sure if this applies, but “You can never love someone else until you love yourself” was a lesson my dad taught me from a very young age.
If you don’t like yourself, you’ll almost inevitably end up with someone who is taking advantage because you won’t be able to stand up for yourself and you won’t speak up when they hurt you.
There are the very rare exceptions, but they are the ones who help you help yourself. Someone who truly helps you will not shower you with gifts or compliments, but rather will help you recognize and change what you don’t like about yourself. In other words, “Only a true friend would be that truly honest.”
Yeah. Maybe one about Noah’s Ark or something. No way that could fail.
For DVDs, I’ve never had an issue. They just amplified the BS on BluRays tenfold.
I went the route of a physical collection, but man do they make it difficult unless you get a commercial player that is likely to have ads and doesn’t integrate well into a home theater setup.
I’ve taken to doing everything I can to play things through my computer, but they do everything in their power to make them unplayable. This includes things like adding hundreds of bogus playlists so you don’t know which one to play, adding extra layers of encryption that cause image corruption a few chapters into the movies, and more.
If they just allowed you to easily watch and rip the movies that I pay actual money for, I think a lot more people would be open to a physical collections of their favorites. As it stands, I can’t really recommend it.
To add to this, the opposite of love is not hate, but ignore.
Giving your energy and attention to hating something typically means that they occupy enough mental real estate in your day to day life that you feel the need to broadcast it on a regular basis.
The liberals I know tend to spend the majority of their free time focusing on improving themselves and the world around them rather than simply target blame somewhere else.
This could be Incredible Machine maybe?
Optimistic nihilism is my chosen way of life. Here’s a really good kurzgesagt video on it:
[insert happy/sad bus meme, but both sides say “nothing matters”]
Another way of thinking of it, if you only get to experience this once, make it the best experience you can.