All the code I know is stackoverflow search results.
All the code I know is stackoverflow search results.
You have the most appropiate username.
It waa the first thing I thought of as well so there are at least 3 of us.
Phew close one.
How did the block leave the tetris field entirely? Surely the sad L block would be left alone in the far left corner.
It’s not normal, the rest would reject him. He would be a lone dolphinman singing a song that never gets answered.
Getting paid to pay attention.
If you routinely go to the same bar I would try to buy something occasionaly though. Just to support the venue.
Thanks! This was the best explanation I got, I think.
Can a non-programmer get some explanation?
Pokemon, League of Legnds and Path of Exile.
Beans stroganoff
Same here. I try to always leave a comment when I can. Especially when something has a decent score but no comments.
Now the battle between “tab” and “space space space” people can really begin.
I tried it on windows since it didn’t specify anything.
Inagine going back hundreds of years to convince everybody in the world to use the same time. “No I know not everybody has a clock, but if you could consider sunrise midday that would make my job in the future much easier.”