“guys, did that flower just talk…?”
“guys, did that flower just talk…?”
Nice. Mmk…
insert quip here
I scooped mine out a few minutes ago and i
but the post-pee shivers, man scratches idly
Dont forget to put it on a tray.
I think that happened to me when i was a kid. Worked lol
i’m just a kiiiidd and i know that it’s not fair
I am also currently smashing that like button. Very funny!
Horny of the heart
I can attest
Did you say “toot toot” first?
Did you know about it before or after drinking it?
Heres to another lousy cat name.
He would probably enjoy the warmth, few sources of that rn i’d bet 😶
No matter what happens, so long as humans exist, they will want to fuck how they like. Its natural for a product of evolution to do it, the taboos against it exist only in our minds (aside from age limitations and informed consent; we still need to be rational) The more it gets stigmatized the worse it’ll get for people not already on top of the social heap.
Call me the grandfather clock
Do not come.