I would not have posted this. The long dick of the law makes an echidna’s look normal.
I would not have posted this. The long dick of the law makes an echidna’s look normal.
They’d name it Microsoft Windows Deprecation Maker 2024 Enterprise 11 though.
This is Lemmy.
If you want to do all that performative reddit bullshit for attention, go back there and do it. No one will stop you.
This is some text book projection. Maybe talk to a professional about it. And yeah, you probably should stay away from cartoons and kids until you get these repressed urges figured out.
woah, who the fuck is talking about kids?
Some of the oldest porn is cartoons scratched into rocks, get off your golden age of porn high horse, or get off with it if that’s your thing.
Battlefield Earth
I don’t know if that’s a typo, but “cheey” is a delightfully terrible name that I am stealing.
What you’ve never put a scissor handled blunt right up your ass before? (Look at the kid top middle in the background)
SU is kind of the solarpunk of grim dark. The gem planet is shattered, their Earth is far less populated than ours is, at some point Russia was deleted! Yeah, it’s like, bright dark. Hopeful dark? grim bright?
SU is incredible. It gets so much better (AND ‘worse’). You’re not wrong! The writers are doing this on purpose, and they know exactly where they’re taking the story.
Ok, well, if you ever come across a test framework named AuTest, you can blame me, because I’m stealing the shit out of that.
Death Note at home: Summon Dr pepper can anywhere every 14.5 hours, summon them directly into the brains of my enemies.
Both nostrils work all the time: I’d take this twice if it meant it worked twice as good.
Up until now most people hated when shit randomly popped up while they were typing.
The Apple went and made the iPhone and now we have a whole generation that expects it.
Have you considered writing your own projects that you have to hide from your employers, and be careful with whom you discuss, so as to avoid the legal complications of the company owning your work?
There’s an earlier bit that complements that nicely: