Which is why the capitalist argument is never that they physically performed enough labour to earn that amount. The argument is that they took risks that paid off in that amount.
Which is why the capitalist argument is never that they physically performed enough labour to earn that amount. The argument is that they took risks that paid off in that amount.
Selling newspapers is an example of work.
co-founded John Paul Mitchell Systems in 1980 with just $700. Later, he launched Patrón Tequila, revolutionizing the premium tequila market.
“Co-founding” is spending money and “launching” is a concept. What work did he do?
Can you give a practical example of how someone can start with no money, and “work” their way up to $1B?
What a mean thing to say for no reason…
Is it warm under that rock?
Maybe they trace over the previous frames
The amount of misinformation that’s out there about it.
Around 50% of TikToks about ADHD are misleading. I feel like we can expect similar results in other social media.
It’s the sign that’s noteworthy here.
That’s more or less what NOSTR is trying to achieve
Delete this.
Lol no. The “system” (whichever one you choose) obviously lacks the directional nuance you’re clearly posturing towards.
Yes, probably most of them…
So funny when someone gets their bluff called and still doubles down.
Better luck next time.
You haven’t seen something that’s only been trending for 5 days? Shocker.
All techbros are nerds, but not all nerds are techbros.