Fuck yeah
Has some of my top marty robbins songs like " They’re hanging me tonight" and cool water
Not to mention it has part of the El Paso Trilogy
Fuck yeah
Has some of my top marty robbins songs like " They’re hanging me tonight" and cool water
Not to mention it has part of the El Paso Trilogy
Not exactly, you can read piss shit fuck, however other words like maybe removed, removed, removed, removed may be censored
Edit: didn’t think this one through lmao
W hor e
Bi tch
That is bigoted thing to say
This is a slightly different one
This one is different, Argentina image
OP if you’re serious about this email me at entrapment@fbi.gov
Dies at 46 after a minor cut gets infected
Spoiled vote
It’s bread stapled to a tree
The means of production are not entirely owned by a seperate class nor is the barrier to entry for many industries so high that it is entirely impossible for the average joe to enter.
Sure some industries are nigh impossible to get into, like pharmaceuticals for example, there are much bigger industries that have lower barriers like machine shops (which are really medium entry but you can scale them), and manufacturing via 3d print hubs.
Not to mention aoftware development which is a fucking wonder when it comes to potential money vs barrier to entry.
Certain construction contractors and engineering consulting firms can be opened up with fairly low barrier to entry.
I’m sleepy so my replies may not seem very coherent so tell me if you don’t understand what im saying
First season doesn’t have frank reynolds/danny devito so maybe that’s why
Well it’s not mathematically possible
The formula is p/(2^n)
P would be the number of people you start with, and n is the number of games.
If you start with the population of the US, 350 million people, you can only do this for about 28 matches before you run out of people.
I think the mechanism in your brain exists
Think of a song that you find pretty sad, overtime the more you play it, it loses it’s emotional influence on you. Therefore I think it is indeed possible for the emotions in a memory to weaken overtime and eventually, whether for better or for worse, disappear entirely
You’re getting downvoted because people don’t like the way the real world works.