You can be an exploited, underpaid and overworked farm laborer pretty easily if that’s something you want.
You can be an exploited, underpaid and overworked farm laborer pretty easily if that’s something you want.
Yeah Wallace is solid, he’s just running out the clock at this point. Bring in some snacks and treat him like a human and he’ll do anything he can to help you.
As someone who repaired laptops for many years, ifixit is awesome and was the first stop for every laptop we got.
That’s an interesting observation I’d never thought about before. You’re right, “common” just refers to the common culture around you. The common sense approach to something in Germany might be entirely different than common sense solution in Japan.
I’ve had two different very realistic dreams (years ago) where I shot someone and both of them were terrifying. It’s not something I’d look forward to. It’d definitely ruin my week if not my entire month.
Is this a serious question?
Do you believe armed protesters are easier or more difficult to suppress?
It’d be like arguing with a lemming, soooo smug and self-important.
I blame everything on people that speak about themselves in the 3rd person.
You agreed with a murderer, now what?
The jailbait subreddit was regularly on the front page and openly joked about for years, Spez was even a mod for a bit “as a joke” until Anderson Cooper did a story about it.
Additionally, some instances disable up/downvotes as well so you don’t even need to worry about internet points if you don’t want to.
It’s worth looking around and finding a few instances you like and checking them out. Some tend to have their old local culture which is kind of neat.
Fried and de-legged they taste like sunflower seed kernels, they’re really inoffensive. The worst part is thinking about what they are.
It’s fun when people reveal they don’t know how actual education and science works. They must think we just reinvent the wheel every time a kid decides to be a doctor or something.
If you turn your entire house on its side and hang the TV from the ceiling then you could lay your bike down in the living room and achieve the same optical effect.
If it’s anything like my brothers family they’ll be the first ones in line for food and the first ones to leave too.
But, a meme, and not redneck at all.
Additionally guillotines were seen as a more humane method of execution than the hangings and manual beheading of pre-Enlightenment France.
I tell people as often as I can, especially my trans and bipoc friends; now is the time. Get a couple guns (a long one and a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn some basic first aid, you really just need to know how to stabilize someone. Start networking with like-minded people in your communities. The police will not protect us, they’ve proven they’ll happily club senior citizens to the ground and shoot any protesters in the face with rubber bullets while escorting a rightwing murderer to safety.
Iran was a secular, liberal state until almost 1980 when they (mostly legitimately) elected an Islamist theocracy; it could happen here.
Yeah that’s called “prejudice” and isnt a good quality.
Swap “southern” for “black” or “gay” and see if you’d be proud to make that same claim.
What a fucking jerkoff, billions of dollars at his disposal, he’s probably got designers and renowned artists on speed dial…
…and the most creative he can get is “a shirt, but in a fun print!”