Fuck Portugal I guess?
Fuck Portugal I guess?
Yep, called it. Can’t explain it at all when asked. Even spelled it out for him, still nothing.
Yeah I’m sure you’d rather just sound vague and haughty for a few more turns here, but I’m going to ask you to explain what you think that means. Because to most people I think they read that and see in no way a complaint about cell phones, nor do they see cell phones being directly compared to a million dollar donation. I think what normal people would see there is someone saying I don’t like what a company’s doing so I’m going to do business with their competitor. Which is again entirely relevant to the topic.
But please spell it out for me as plainly as you can how you are interpreting that line. Cuz it’s a mystery to me. One I’m sure you’re capable of explaining satisfactorily.
Did anyone suggest it was?
And for that matter, did anyone complain about a cell phone?
How’s it not? It’s apples direct competitor. Possibly naive, but certainly relevant.
Didn’t the myth of Robin Hood actually start like a hundred years later and was retractively pushed back to King Richard’s day?
Also should point out that greedy Prince John was actually collecting taxes to pay for Richard’s absurd Ransom because the idiot got himself captured.
Kind of my point
Does January 1st coincide with the ending of winter anywhere?
If I could afford it yeah of course
Most of my errors are because speech to text is God awful and I don’t always notice it until later.
Unless they are really stupid they are never gonna be caught.
Than you ever hope to be.
Santa Barbra murder capital of the world!
Identical deals I believe. Except maybe that deep discount section that’s different. Everything else should be 100% the same
The king of Rohan seem pretty damn happy with it
They got it, they’re just playing dumb because this is what they want.
Pretty easy City to describe and recognize though.
No you get banned for that here too.
Total post doesn’t really tell us much. Of course there’s going to be more posts over time. Hell there are Bots that post things. That number is going to go up as long as the servers exist. There could be no human users on here and those are going to go up.