20’s been standard for me for like 20 years
Not even close
Any of the Suikoden games really. Legend of legaia 2
Ephemeral Fantasia for an extremely underrated gem.
I dont know who told you leftists don’t like guns, we like guns plenty. It’s liberals who don’t like guns. Us leftists know sometimes you got to throw a bomb into the carriage of a tzar. We leftists knowwhen you go on strike you should bring a gun with you, cuz the Liberals going to try to use the National Guard to murder you.
We can quibble about whether or not a second character merits the title lead or not, however it’s still inaccurate to use it as an example of a counter to the raised point. The show’s main lead was a white male character. That’s inarguable.
Isn’t the dragon Prince’s lead a white guy? I’m almost positive. Also a lot of these are probably too obscure to really raise a stir. I’m kind of shocked even brought up dragon Prince much less the Gundam show you mentioned.
Also your ability to wall yourself off from the Star Wars “controversies” is rather impressive.
Typically starts by wiping out the people that had other names for it.
It wouldn’t be so sure about getting that refund
To your point though diminishing returns. When is it worth it. You’ve just a conceded that enforcing said laws don’t actually prevent the crime. I would say enforcement never prevents any crime and enforcement is about punishment not prevention. So when is it worth it? What level totalitarianism an authoritarianism is worth it? How much abuse and Injustice is necessary to assuage your fears about the other? Surely you’re not going to sit here and tell me only fear of punishment is what stops you from murdering people?
They’re enforced now but murder still happens.
To put it very simply and probably too broadly, capitalism. Our whole system is built around taking advantage of people.
Total post doesn’t really tell us much. Of course there’s going to be more posts over time. Hell there are Bots that post things. That number is going to go up as long as the servers exist. There could be no human users on here and those are going to go up.
Fuck Portugal I guess?
Yeah this line of reasoning doesn’t really gel with actual reality considering Trump is now talking about repealing the chip Act. He’s not actually trying to bring back Manufacturing. Trump has never cared about that. He doesn’t give a shit about Outsourcing manufacturing jobs and his boss Elon Musk certainly doesn’t.