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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 7th, 2023

  • I always wanted to be a stay at home dad. My wife’s a gig worker and tried branching out on her own business and quickly realized she didn’t like the actual business aspect. Which is fine, I genuinely love what I do most days and make enough to where she can mostly stay at home.

    I’m about to go on a 3 month paternity leave and oh boy am I excited. After the first few weeks once my wife recovers from surgery it’ll most be my oldest and I hanging out while my wife is with our second. I bought stuff for my son and I to record our guitars (he’s 3 but he gets so into it), have a little list of science experiments that he loves, plenty of home renovation projects that he gets surprisingly into, a bunch of seeds and a few more raised beds for the garden, and of course, foam baseball bats to hit eachother with.

    I’m getting git just thinking about it.

    I don’t see how anyone could get tired of that, I’m already dreading going back to work and my break hasn’t even started.

    PS: not to say that it’s all fun, I know a lot more goes into being a stay at home parent that baseball bat fights.

  • I worked construction from 14-20. Nowadays I work a cushy desk job. Still whenever we need something sone in our house (which is a lot, my house is a degrading shack) if it’s something I’m comfortable doing I do it myself. Every once in a while there’s a job that just kills me and I feel like I need a week to recover from.

    Last weekend I put new drywall up on my kitchen ceiling. I used to do it all the time with ease, by myself, light work. Nowadays I’m glad my wife wasn’t home to see me struggling. I had to pull out all my tricks and it was still fucking rough.

  • The last place I worked was like this too. Smallish ~50 employee company that big numbers. They had an initiative thing where if they hit 20 million or something like that they would take everyone to cancun, they made 21 and found a way to back out of it. They made a few million off of some applications that I came up with, built, managed, and worked with the sales teams to sell, all along with my normal daily tasks. I was just bored and kind of fucking around. I asked more a measly raise of $10,000 since I recently found out I was the lowest paid dev there (and the best, not bragging it just wasn’t a dev focused company). They pushed it off for so long I found another job and when they said they’d give me a raise to stay I told them I’d need an extra $80,000 now assuming they’d say no, they did. About a year later I’m at my cushy new job and I got a call offering me big bucks to come back because no one could figure out my horrendous code and they were losing clients who wanted new features. I said no. I asked my new boss for a raise after my first year and it took 10 minutes of talking before we were both happy with a number.

  • This is how my job is. If something goes horribly wrong after hours we get a text, but if I’m not at home doing nothing already then it has to wait and I’ll get to it when I can, and that’s expected.

    In exchange we get to sort of do what we want and leave early whenever. Yesterday I took off at lunch and went sledding with the family. I only ever use my PTO for actual vacations or days where I’ll be completely unavailable.

    I personally love it, I would love on call pay too but that freedom to take my son sledding on a snow day without having to lose pay is incredible. There’s only ever been 1 emergency issue in the past 2 years that I’ve had to hop on after hours to take care of.

  • Every holiday with fireworks I have to stay up ridiculously late to keep the dogs calm and soothe my toddler back to sleep multiple times.

    We had a crazy thunderstorm until about 11:30 that kept my son up extra late. I hate thunderstoms but thought at least there won’t be fireworks. 11:31 ole reliable firework Joe around the corner was out there doing his thing and it seems like he doesn’t plan on stopping soon.

    Also firework Joe sets off a ridiculous amount of stuff at 12am on Christmas eve.

  • A few years ago I went to visit my mom around Christmas, I picked her up and we were heading over to my grandmas. On the way, while my 1 year old is screaming in the back seat, she asked if she could run into a store on the way.

    When we got to my grandmas she gave me the bag that she had just bought, store logo on it and everything, no hiding a thing, that contained 1 roll of camouflage themed duct tape, and a pack of trash bags.

    I had told her earlier in the year that I was using trash bags and duct tape to block the windows in my garage while I was doing some renovations in there, and so she got me trash bags and duct tape, almost a year later…

    I still appreciate that she got me anything at all and there was at least a thought behind it even if I don’t understand that thought.

  • I hate fireworks and always have. I get people like them, but I wish they didn’t go all night from every direction. If each area had a central park/spot where they did a big firework show for everyone for a little bit I wouldn’t mind it as much, but now every street has they’re own fireworks that go off randomly through the night.

    Also something I don’t think a lot of people think about. In my old neighborhood a lot of us had varying forms on PTSD and couldn’t deal with the loud bangs. Holidays where fireworks were heavy were treated as a ceasefire/peace day for the most part since basically everyone who had been involved in a shooting was a mess, which was almost everyone. Others took the chance to disrespect that and use the fireworks as cover, they weren’t treated well.

    I’m sure most veterans feel the same or worse.

    It’s not just dogs who lose it at fireworks.

  • If I wan unemployed and had no savings and no other job offers, of course I would take whatever job I could get. I hear the market is shit right now but still, it was never that hard to find a remote job if you’re qualified at least as a software dev.

    Also my wife would let me turn down whatever job if it didn’t feel right as long as we’re covered. I turned down a job for ~60% more pay that would’ve required 2-3 days in the office about 40 minutes away for my current job that’s fully remote and let’s me make my own hours. I spent a couple nights working on my couch watching movies and working last week so I could take Friday off with full pay and go to a water park.

    You cannot replace that freedom and extra time.

    Although there are circumstances that could make me consider going into an office, they would have to be dier.

  • When I was looking for a new job a couple years ago I turned down a lot of on-site and hybrid job for the sole reason that they weren’t fully remote. Some of the jobs actually interested me and I would have loved to take at the time. And I can assure you I am far from wealthy.

    Working from home I get to see my wife during the day, play with my son whenever I want, make my own lunch in my kitchen, water my garden during the day, work outside if I want to.

    The peace of mind that it brings me is worth $400k. That’s the minimum I would take to go into the office no more than 30 minutes away once a week at most.

    I know that’s unrealistic but so is making employees go into the office for something they’re fully capable of doing at home.