Too many rich people use it to hide wealth and do other illegal shit
Too many rich people use it to hide wealth and do other illegal shit
Everspace (rogue like) / ES2
Where is freelancer?!?!
He only supports a far right wing german party that has used nazi slogans and symbols
dO yOuRe OwN ReSeArCh!!
Seriously, actually do it instead of being fed propaganda
I’d say use the sling shot rides, but dont use a harness
Three women are sitting at a parlour eating iced cream.
One is Licking the cone.
One is sucking the cone.
One is biting the cone.
Which one is married?
How can one tell its water? All I see is brown
I bet you this one does not leak like the cybersuck and it will continue to operate even if it does
Please, dont compare this fine craftsmanship with that POS
Prob others that have blocked you
Problem is, can 100% confirm if you block em that is what ya see, not sure bout if they block you
This is what you see when you block someone
Probably because this easy/cheap to manufacture and lemons are used for cleaning things because if the acid so is used to trick people. Plus it is considered a plesant scent.
Take all this with a brick of salt
Should have dropped the “AI” division instead
X to doubt
Musk, it’s pointless listening to your bullshit, now SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Finally some good news
Just because you have lots of money doesn’t mean you’re smart