They should make a usb-port with a spring in it which can be released with eject. Until then I have to be content with just making sound effects when I run eject on other devices.
They should make a usb-port with a spring in it which can be released with eject. Until then I have to be content with just making sound effects when I run eject on other devices.
Bo Burnham - That Funny Feeling
Like a fairly realistic one: measurement exclude a cosmological constant as the explanation for cosmic acceleration in favour of a quintessence scenario.
I guess it is different reasons for different people. But for me, I started using ubuntu in 2005. When I was learning linux, it was just not complete enough. You install another DE/WM, to try it out, and stuff started to break. So I switched pretty quickly. I tried to return every now and then, because it had an environment of newer packages which I waned/needed. But it was never worth it, this or that always broke when you tried to do something peculiar. I use ubuntu every now and then, but it is mostly no good. The issue is really just snap. Snap firefox on rpi, which is the default, is just trash and unusable. It is crazy that they made it the default. I have also had servers where snap-services just eats too much cpu and first thing I have to do is to purge it. So, in summary, I don’t really trust them to provide a reliable system, and I am sceptical of their direction.
That screenshot is from another site. An account named longpanda has also appeared on lemmy and had their post/replies removed because of impersonation suspicions.
I think it is wise to take extra care on this issue on what you read and trust.
Not sure what Disk Manager is, but if it says
USB Mass Storage device detected
It appears to be something. If you do a sudo journalctl -f
before you plug it in, does it tell you what device name it is given? If it is sata-to-usb you are using it is probably /dev/sd[a-z] or so, does anyone show up when you plug it in?
Scrolling through I don’t see this tip I was made aware of when going up north: shower in the evening. I’m not sure it makes any significant difference, but the logic seems sound; while sleeing you build up a protective layer of fat on the surface of your skin, face especially. It helps against the cold, so don’t rinse it off in the morning.
I recently got some Toshibas and they were loud. They also presented with a seek error pre-fail after a few days (all three of them). That propably adds to the volume, but the seagate and wds I switched to just have some clicking noises. Not too bad.
When you really have to look deep into god’s mind you just have to put templeOS on a supercomputer.
Thank you! I wanted to make the link to appropriate section and I usually click the section in the toc to get it. But I could not find the toc on the mobile site.
I mean… That is not really what was puzzling about mercury. Its elliptical orbit, as predicted by Newtonian physics, was shifting a little each orbit. It was not a trick of the light bending, it actually moves “wrong” according to newtonian physics. He could have just read wikipedia instead of making stuff up to try and sound smart.
Oh, it is part of the Tor project even. Cool. Thanks. I will read the links.
How does this work? I thought WebRTC is UDP and Tor is over TCP. I don’t really know what I’m talking about here, but I’d like to know some details.
Yeah, there was always one broken on these fuckers
Is she the model for the Chumbawamba Anarchy-album cover?
Damn. They are automating penis inspection day? What are creeps to do now?
tell me how can I feel pain
how can I feel pain
when you’re being so supportive
“Some” appears to be 3. How many are left?
At least for sweden they appear to have shipping options with taxes/duty included. I don’t have in front of me right now, but it was something like 200€ all inclusive shipping on a 500€ order. Something like that.
For any time t with worseness w(t) there exists some time t_0 < t where worseness was less, w(t_0) < w(t). Proof: duh.