You’re gonna get your ass kicked by a Dreadnautilus doing that
Since the guy has blown up in the last week-ish, he drew a new meme of him
Sorry for instagram link, this is just where I know him from. Philibbankss is the name of the artist.
I’m starting to think it’s part of a growing Lemmy dialect
to be honest, I had to fight autocorrect to misspell charcuterie for the joke
Yay I love chartut… the uh sharcutery… the meat and cheese on a board
I had to run an alias every time I wanted to change the brightness on my laptop, and it defaulted to max brightness every time it was restarted.
I get that if I was a better person I could just pull myself by my bootstraps and teach myself to sync the brightness buttons on the keyboard to work again but I’m not. On windows it just worked.
Admittedly I haven’t played it in, like, five years but when I did it only had banner ads in the pause menu
Neko Atsume: Kitty Collector. You put down furniture. Cats sleep on the furniture. You get gold to buy more funiture, and the cycle repeats.
I guess it’s fine gif you want to say it like that
I hope you get cited when they put this dialog in the next movie
I almost spat out my drink when I saw this
Guy who worked at my place before me kept using these and GOTO statements all over the place.
His name? Cotton-eyed Joe
How 'bout a little dollop of microplastics on my asbestos pancakes? Got a long day of work ahead.
that’s because co-op multiplayer >> competitive multiplayer
It’s Heroes of the Storm but I think I like your ideas better
Depression or whatever doesn’t mean you’re broken per se, but yeah. In a perfect world your doctor would be able to acknowledge that the brain controls the body.
fake, the doctor didn’t tell him the dog was all in his head
There’s a guy I follow on the internet called “penusbmic”, and he claims it’s supposed to mean “Pen, USB, Mic”.
Whatever you say, Penus B. Mic.