My preference is for completely community moderated platform.
People essentially vote for content moderation. Likely susceptible to gamification but I’m still interested in seeing it in practice.
My preference is for completely community moderated platform.
People essentially vote for content moderation. Likely susceptible to gamification but I’m still interested in seeing it in practice.
Is it still invalidating when someone using neopronouns is doing so disingenuously?
Mods will always be a problem.
I’ve yet to encounter a well adjusted human who voluntarily mods.
This was pretty much what set me on the path to radicalisation.
The system felt so unfair and then to learn that there were people who could do exactly this just because they were born into a family with large capital it was infuriating.
Every fucking time I want to leave some other neighbour comes out first and I have to wait for them to clear out before I can leave.
And they are so slow! Clear the public area swiftly you inconsiderate buffoons!
lol you got baited so hard.
Read the full comment before popping off hahahaha
But pray do tell me, what generation is responsible for car manufacturers discouraging repair and forcing you to go to certified dealers?
In a massive earthquake that knocks out the power grid you could be trapped for some time before crews reach you to free you even if the building is structurally unharmed.
You don’t use a Google account to watch YouTube videos and never allow cookies or browser history.
Every single time I open YouTube it’s as if I am a new user who has never accessed the site before.
Fuck Jimmy Fallon.
Johnny Carson is rolling in his grave because that hack is hosting the Tonight Show.
Hardly shocking that the christofascist courts of America refuse to classify abortion clinic bombings as domestic terrorism.
Saying that literal Nazis deserve to be killed.
Get down to Del Taco they’ve got fre, fre sha vocado.
Feels bitter that justice never seems to come for the rich and powerful though.
But don’t have a massive schlong at least?
I can confirm.
Source: I am the chef.
I fucking hate that this is true.
I fucking hate that after people have died and the weekend is won, or women can work, or slaves are free that the people who do steadfastly clung to the previous status quo now are suddenly enlightened and can see the advantages of those changes.
Why are people like this?
Fair warning, I’m not here to judge but take it from someone who spent a lot of time trying to consume the most outrageous internet content to desensitise themselves - it all catches up eventually.
Anyway, this is some of the stuff that comes to mind:
Botfly extractions
Teenage girl suicide (hanging in a tree - too young to die IMO)
Microwaving kittens
Toybox killer transcript and tapes (I don’t like torturing people who don’t deserve it)
People having sex with aborted foetuses
Not sure I agree as it seems like black and white thinking.
I.e. I could imagine a scenario where someone is very obviously/admits to using neopronouns disingenuously and that would break my social contract with them to honour it.
If I make an assessment of neopronoun usage on a case by case basis I can still avoid witch hunts. It’s similar to how I determine in real life if someone is an asshole or not.
Another way; I can support a person who I genuinely believe uses neopronouns while denouncing and excluding someone who doesn’t.