Uhh disagree with RDR2. There was an issue where I couldn’t see the game very well due to tears in my eyes. They really have to patch that out.
Uhh disagree with RDR2. There was an issue where I couldn’t see the game very well due to tears in my eyes. They really have to patch that out.
Remember outer WILDS, which is distinct from outer WORLDS.
It’s either singlish or manglish, English dialects found exclusively in Singapore/Malaysia. You can read that as “where tf”
Hey there! Don’t take this the wrong way, but it’s spelled gruesome. It’s hard to learn the spelling of a word you heard, or the pronunciation of a word you read. No judgement and I hope this was meaningful to you.
Ideally? Have public transport that runs to these national parks. Japan has train stations that bring you right up to the foot of a mountain – I’m almost very certain that one train station requires less space than a carpark (thinking in terms of capacity here). Of course this requires a massive revamp in infrastructure, but one can wish. There are also some buses that feed into these parks, which is fantastic, give me more! As a tourist, I’ll gladly give these buses more money than whatever car rental company I have to use.
P. S. I think the immediate short-circuiting to “guess we won’t have forests” is kinda worrying.
To be fair, the national parks are really beautiful. But you need a car to even reach these parks, then drive into a massive parking lot – really depressing.
Boggles my mind when people claim that using mechanic present in the game is not playing the game “as intended”.
Who do you think put the feature there? The pesky magical game dev that spawns at 2 am to code in a mimic tear?
I tried behind the bastards, and really liked the first few (older?) episodes. But it soon felt too shallow, especially when the main host isn’t speaking – imo the other guests were only there to provide quips. Personal opinion, of course. Maybe this got better?
I switched over to QAA to scratch this itch for laughing at conspiracy theorists.
Seconded! They often invite guests over as well, who are pretty well versed in their own field. Funny British humour with 4 facts in an hour? Sign me up
Sekiro is much faster paced; it pays to be aggressive after all. The only time I felt like having to delay my reaction time was with the snake eyes with her weird grab iirc.
I didn’t like elden ring much, combat felt more plodding and frustrating to me (and I plat “difficult” games: HK, sekiro, STS).
Coming from someone who shares your frustration with morgott or morgit or the 3 other copy-paste boss’s stick that hovers in the air for 5 business days…
Play sekiro
Bro’s just upset they forgot the gender of a table in Duolingo French. Let them have it.
This is exactly what Rowling is afraid of
I never expected a Hollow Knight reference here
TLOU does have an amazing soundtrack but come on it was released eons ago. Justice for Chai
I’m upset that HiFi Rush didn’t win anything at all
Tunic is amazing! Although the combat feels very clunky (maybe I’m spoiled by sekiro).
Thankfully, you can just turn on reduced difficulty, since the beauty of the game lies not in the slow combat, but the puzzles and puzzles within those puzzles. Also the main character is adorable.
That’s fried rice, not white rice steamed or cooked in a rice cooker. I can imagine putting ketchup on a nigiri and immediately getting scolded in Japan.
Good God what happened then?
Steamed? Nah you gotta stir fry that shit for maximum flavor. Or pop some in the oven/air fryer to get delicious crispy broccoli.
It just took a month to connect to his own brain.