No, houses are flammable too. They’re surrounded by invasive and extremely flammable eucalyptus trees.
No, houses are flammable too. They’re surrounded by invasive and extremely flammable eucalyptus trees.
The main reason for the fires in Australia were eucalyptus trees, they’re extremely flammable. Eucalyptus trees are foreign to California. They were brought over by Australians. The fires aren’t California’s fault.
The human torch.
You can dance if you want to. You can leave your friends behind, cause if your friends don’t want to dance then they ain’t no friends of mine.
The lead paint generation took the reins.
Would a jackhammer work?
deleted by creator
It’s the first politically based meme I’ve laughed at since the results came in. Thanks, I needed that. was all I needed to know.
That sounds beautiful.
When I became a man I put away childish things.
Is English your native language?
Yeah dude! Glad to hear that. Thanks for the follow up.
Ignore the gatekeeping and do your thing. Nice choice on Debian.
I had this issue. A laptop with a single ssd was configured as raid 0 in bios out of the box. Changed it – debian immediately recognizes the drive.
Just assume the possibility that this is partly a show, in order to make people underestimate him
This is a man that ran a casino into the ground. A man who has 6 bankruptcies and 34 felonies under his extensive belt.
He might just be that dumb.
Walking the dinosaur.
I used to dispatch roadside assistance, and in certain winter weather when there’s a driving ban – if you break down or slide off the road, no one is coming for you. Tow trucks won’t drive, and often the police themselves won’t even drive out to pick you up.
You were right to check, or try to at least.