Hope y’all like avant garde blackened death jazz.
Hope y’all like avant garde blackened death jazz.
Bullshit, that’s some shwag. Hit me up, I got that cage free.
Must be nice.
Counterpoint: yes.
Annoying sounds should be the least of your worries about Roblox. That game is a cess pool of porn and Nazi shit. My kids aren’t allowed to know it exists, let alone play it.
That erases any fun there is to be had. I want them to know it.
The language barrier mostly.
It just fucking is, kiddo.
Let’s see some receipts, Columbo.
Autism is liking things.
If your sushi place is serving you pink ginger, it’s time to find a new sushi place.
Thank you for addressing this.
They just hit the second tower.
I also hate the Beatles.
I don’t see what’s surprising about it. Different people like different things, it’s no big deal.
I suppose The Man In Me would be the one exception.
That sounds truly awful, much like the music of Bob Dylan.
I’m a Satanist, but I fuck with based Jesus.