There’s a list for alligator-fuckers?
There’s a list for alligator-fuckers?
the former Domino’s guy who ran for president?
I think AR and VR will become much more interesting when they can get tweaked by the consumer and a hobbyist market develops.
Ziggy zagge Ziggy zagge oi oi oi
No doubt, gramps is about that freak shit. He and grams have been swinging and it’s brought new life to their relationship. This is them, on the beach at Hedonism II. If this photo doesn’t spark memories of that eventful week, they’ll always have the VD.
I see it as two brown neighboring cookies being forced together by some colonizing cream that causes delicious chaos for all.
hmmm my milk is .146743 milliliters shy of that.
But even after the fall the ban was kept in place.
Ok, I’ve seen this take recently, but what made the newest season better? I’m probably going to give it a shot anyhow. I really hope I’m not let down. I still recite the old episodes like religion.
They just rewrote the script for the new Steven segal movie being shot in Moscow.