Peter Funke? The famous anal-rapist?
A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.
Peter Funke? The famous anal-rapist?
I think you could get a five episode miniseries with an epic arc where Ronald, God of Fire takes humanoid form and finally accepts his sexuality.
I experienced it pretty profoundly when taking a plant systematics and identification course. I had always loved plants as a gardener, so the added knowledge of general plant anatomy lit a fire in my brain.
Now when I would learn a new plant, I would notice it everywhere, even out of the corner of my eye while driving at speed on a highway.
I’m still a slut for the thrill of learning a new plant.
If i were choosing a duck to be the new mayor, definitely the necktie.
If I were looking for a duck with whom to party, bow-tie in the convertible all the way to the liquor store and back.
This one works if you are an inbox-zero sort of person. Write a script to send yourself an email daily. Have another utility look for your reply. If you go too long without replying, have it trigger whatever other emails/actions you would like to happen.
My boyfriend said I needed to be more affectionate.
So now I have TWO boyfriends!
Being both already I would tell said genie to take a hike.
No power in the ‘verse. But a large billboard out your best window might do it.
The chalk is surely non-toxic. The various pigments are another story. But still I am tempted to try them.
Those beans are woke.
A gentleman is someone who CAN play the banjo, but does NOT.
I’m going to say yes to both versions of your question. Infinity is still infinitely bigger than any expressible finite number. Plenty of room for local anomalies like long repeats and other apparent patterns.
Judas! You are on mute!
Sour cream! Onion! AM reflux!
Xmas is fscking awesome.
I’m in love with Stanford Beer and his saying “The purpose of a system is what it does”.
So yes, if most of us are depressed and anxious then that is what the system is for.
Here’s how I think about it lately.
Just because society is falling apart, that doesn’t mean my social life needs to suck.
Nothing ever ends really, not until the last hominid gasps her last breath (and even then evolution may try again with other uplift eligible species).
Someone is going to live through this great upheaval. I predict it will be those who can build and keep good real-life networks of family, friends and general acquaintances.
Let it all burn down. I will sit by the fire with those in whom I see the image of the beloved.
Mr Buttle, I’m here to install your new ducts!
I do not accept homework assignments at this time.
I’m too busy shitting on rich people.
Because PSL does not seek to get people elected, I question their usefulness as a revolutionary force.
PSL brands themselves as a political party. The only purpose of a political party is to get people elected. The track record there speaks for itself.
Because the pouring spout is to the right. Tip it, you’ll see. It works better if you are staring closely at the spout from below when you do so.