this is just a denial that anarchist and communist societyies function
They don’t. There has never been a communist or anarchist society that has functioned for an extended length of time as its own sovereign entity.
Saying people should say things a specific way is prescriptivist
Yes, and saying people should say things so that other people understand them isn’t. I’m saying people should say thing so that other people understand them.
No, it isn’t. You’re so very smart.
Who’s speaking which local language?
I usually say place names in the local dialect
That seems like the best way to communicate.
except if its a language i speak
So, if you speak a language, you don’t care what the people you’re speaking to understand?
Oh, this is German, I speak German, I’ll tell Dave it happened in Agram
“So, I the guy went to Agram”
“Wait, what’s Agram”
“Agram, that’s the German name for Zagreb, Croatia. I speak German!”
Moscow has survived attacks from France. Every viable political/economic system has to be able to defend itself. I hope you realize how ridiculous your argument is by giving an example of something that lasted just barely 2 months. That’s like claiming that a perpetual motion machine exists by showing some swinging pendulum for 10 seconds.
Not being able to defend itself is indeed an indictment of a societal structure.
After a whole 2 months. Clearly if one of your prime examples is something that couldn’t even last a quarter of a year, you don’t have a leg to stand on.
I already said it.
And it’s not in a country?
So, you have more respect for the people who live in a city, who are not part of the conversation, than you do for your conversational partner? That’s weird, dude.
if it’s clear that someone is trying to say it correctly (as would be said by anyone of the native language) even if they mispronounce it they get a pass
It’s not about “getting a pass”, it’s about what’s the best way to say it for a given audience. In most cases, that’s how the language you’re currently speaking says the thing. If you’re a Brit, in London, talking to another Brit about Zaragoza, you shouldn’t pronounce it the way Castilian Spanish speakers would say it because the person you’re talking to is not likely to recognize the name when spoken like that.
I think you need to do some more research. Nothing I said was prescriptivist.
Yes, Barcelona is a place that people have heard enough of the two versions to know the “strange” version that isn’t natural to their language. But, what about Zaragoza? I doubt most English speakers would understand what you meant if you dropped the Castillian version of that into a sentence when speaking English.
Language isn’t prescriptivist
Of course not, that’s why the names of places in English don’t sound like the names used locally. If it were prescriptivist there would be no Munich, only Munchen. No Prague only Praha, no Geneva, only Genève. Only someone who doesn’t understand how languages work would think that it’s appropriate to say “Barcelona” with a “th” sound when speaking English.
Just rotate the paw marks 90 degrees and they suddenly look a lot more like capital 'E’s. That’s a lazy designer.