The rich will keep trading with each other. Look at housing for an example.
The rich will keep trading with each other. Look at housing for an example.
The rich. Companies will stop targeting products to wider and wider swathes of people, just like nobody caters to the homeless now.
Mostly a shrug. Live and let live.
But that someone will have their own priorities that will most likely not always coindice with yours.
Dutch has aub meaning alstublieft meaning please, and they use it in all kinds of official places.
Researcher dude at my uni was grading thesis defenses during the pandemic Donald Duck style on Zoom, forgot the camera, stood up and flipped a dick into someone’s life defining stressful moment.
Only if you were involved in the kidnapping, like paying them to do it.
Reading this I’m not sure I’d fault him even if that were the case.
Why AAA? Come on Sega, you can get it to AAAA, have people pay for time like back in the arcade days! Game starts, you get “Insert coin” and a microtransaction!
Dream big!
It was outsourced to the guy who ran Nazi concentration camps to build ballistic missiles to bomb London with.
Do we have insurance for that?
So if I understand correctly, the reason it’s outdated is not because we don’t need those pesky banking regulations any more, but that it has been found that banks will just take out their own loans to cover the reserves they need from the central bank, so they can just lend as much as they want, no seatbelts. And the central bank will never run out of loans to give, since they have insane reserves, in their own currency it is technically unlimited.
So money is not really the thing we think it is. If banks overextend themselves and fuck up, the only thing we’ll see instead of failing banks is runaway inflation in the consumer and asset (housing) markets. Wonder where I’ve seen that.
Bank spokesman says they are itching to be the sector to fire the most workers, poised to make the economy so much better.
I understand, then male would mean “people with a penis”?
ESL person question here - isn’t “male” used as an adjective more than a noun? If you used “pregnant female” as a counterpart, it would sound weird to me, like we were talking about rabbits, not people.
I sometimes do drink myself to sovereign citizen. Unlike most of those people, I do get sober the next morning.
Nuh-uh, sound has to go over HDMI as well. You may only partake in your own culture through DRM-approved channels.
This got me thinking, could you still get an abortion in the bad parts of the US if you trademarked your DNA, and claimed that the condom breaking violated DMCA?
You know, show up at the doctors with a ton of papers headlined
Or at least get child support out of Durex?
Nah, they’ll just sue you if you’re using VGA instead of HDMI since it obviously means you are trying to crack DRM and thus running afoul of DMCA.
Cheap bait, nobody cares
Almost as if homosexual people were just people.
Yeah of course industries will collapse. 100 car factories will close, 5 superyacht factories will open, tying up the same amount of productivity. Owned by the same guy.
There will be tons of spacecraft launchpads, private jet hangars, etc.
And wars of course.