I think it’s racism anyway, but now that you’ve explained your reasoning more thoroughly, I see your point.
I think it’s racism anyway, but now that you’ve explained your reasoning more thoroughly, I see your point.
Okay. Since you’re from another country, you’ve seen that reputations aren’t always accurate. You’re halfway there. She’s still making a broad, insulting generalization about an entire race. That’s pretty much the textbook definition of racism.
That dog’s fury and hatred runs so deep that it appears calm. Yikes.
I assume you meant “robes”?
I decided to scroll through the replies to see if anyone already said what I was going to, and you did.
Everyone thinks that irrelevant culture wars are more important than things that actually affect them directly, and our REAL enemies love it.
I don’t know anything about how this character is used in the game, so please pardon my ignorance. Having said that: the bow tie has a huge advantage in that it never has to move. If the duck waddles along, the tie should move side-to-side independently. If the duck jumps, is hit, or near wind or an explosion, the tie will need independent animations for each circumstance. If the duck is carried, the neck tie should always point down, unless it’s fast or wobbly; then the tie should move accordingly. I’m sure there are other circumstances I haven’t mentioned, but you get the point.
Wow. I have overthought this.
From a development perspective, I lean strongly towards the bow tie. It’s much simpler. Also, as another commenter mentioned, that top hat demands a bow tie.
A failing con artist.
Older people vote more.
Certainly not true 100% of the time, but absolutely worth keeping in mind, especially if one is naive or emotionally immature.
Ah. The blissful happy ending that they both deserve. Thank you for sharing.
If someone will cheat with you, they’ll cheat on you.
They don’t. That’s why I’ve never said it.
Why are you turning this into a personal attack? Asking women to smile is not something I do.
That is hysterically arrogant and appallingly nauseating at the same time.
I constantly have to remind myself that I can be perceived as “threatening”, because I’m typically not threatening at all. Having some empathy is a good start, but there’s so much I don’t know about what women deal with on a daily basis.
I’ve never said it to anyone (well, except when taking a group photo). You’re right; it’s weird. I’m just looking for perspectives on why it’s weird.
This is the best answer I’ve seen so far. Thank you!
There’s clearly something I’m missing. I don’t get it at all.