This comic is the shit
This comic is the shit
And their toilets with dry surfaces that you poop on. That threw me for a loop when I visited Berlin.
Aight imma head to my crib finna pop some caps yall
Hell, my winME lappy could do it withour breaking a sweat.
Here, bro. Here’s your laptop
I can’t rally the ring, Mr. Frodo…but I can rally you!
Vegas now have triple 0 roulette tables
Stupid inflation!
Bath wolves
Funko pops are the herpes of civilization.
Is it weird that this turns me on a little?
They"re not my favourite, but they’re definitely #2
But not a Republican convention. Firearms are banned there.
But why?
Just use her mum’s maiden name
You know, there’s a story in here somewhere. A monkey’s paw that only grants shitty-sounding wishes, but the side-effects are massively beneficial.
Well, at least he’s not in gross violation of family law./s
Ou yo