sure, we all value things differently. For me this subscription is nothing but a rounding error.
sure, we all value things differently. For me this subscription is nothing but a rounding error.
you are still paying for search, you just don’t know it (yet).
ah, cancel culture at its best, I won’t be part of it. I took one look at these people, and when I see them cry racism over a completely benign website I know I should just ignore them.
no mention of kagi yet? Son, I am disappoint.
Most of the models I have used also have a self-cleaning feature that will have the nozzle rinse itself (they still do need to be actually cleaned periodically of course)
this. the geberit toilet that I have will automatically clean the nozzle before and after use.
Mach number depends on the (local) speed of sound, which depends on the temperature of the air - therefore on the altitude.
bitwarden has a cool takeover option which my gf has, in case I would lose access, and vice versa.
try real wagyu beef
for what it’s worth, you can get bad wagyu beef - it literally just means a particular breed of beef, but nothing about the quality of the meat. What you’re probably thinking of is A5 graded wagyu beef. And you definitely should try it!
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