Every day Trump walks free has been sad proof of that
Nothing to see here
Every day Trump walks free has been sad proof of that
But why? Why are all these people so happy to protect such a despicable human being who will happily throw any of them under the bus and who has, and will again, sell out their country to anyone who says nice stuff to him and gives him money? It’s absolutely extraordinary.
And it’s not like it’s a secret. His corruption is there out in the open for all to see. We all see it, we all know it. And yet here we are.
My mental wellbeing has taken a major hit this last day seeing how so many people would rather burn down our future than vote for a competent black woman.
Computer Based Training?
For a modern Desert Strike check out Cleared Hot on Steam. It’s not out yet but it looks promising and it’s by a guy who wanted something like Desert Strike. Funnily enough it came up in a similar thread on Reddit a while back and I added it to my wishlist there and then.
Lol. This is perfect
I’d like something that will take a photo of a supermarket receipt and record every item. I want to be able to, for example, check the price history of my favourite breakfast cereal or a bottle of milk. I’ve got a shoebox of receipts dating back a few years and I’d love to be able to do some kind of price comparison on them but with minimal effort coz I’m lazy.
What a stupid response
Damn. Guess that went over my head
Can’t sleep and I need a distraction
So, a half remembered Radiolab episode or maybe it was 99% Invisible talked about this. If I remember rightly they did consider changing it because it was so much quicker and easier typing in English and Chinese character set takes up a lot of storage which was a big deal in early computers. Until someone figured they could break down all the Chinese characters into a much smaller selection of base shapes. So you could make a character by pressing a small selection of keys. So it meant a much more manageable keyboard. I think it’s even resulted in quick Chinese typists being faster than English ones.