i’m not too fond of the autistic superintelligence meme. yes there are people like this, but personally i can’t math for shit.
i could probably go on about an interesting locomotive i found yesterday if you want a few hours wasted though…
i’m not too fond of the autistic superintelligence meme. yes there are people like this, but personally i can’t math for shit.
i could probably go on about an interesting locomotive i found yesterday if you want a few hours wasted though…
i usually get to where i’m going using man pages rather than copying wholesale from the web, but when i find something worth saving i usually put the snippet in its own script in ~/.local/bin
, which is in my PATH
. with some modifications to make it generic, of course.
let that = sink("in")
after he bought twitter and made a big thing about auditing their code, there was a post going around that was something like
first he talked about cars, and i know nothing about cars but people said he was a genius so i believed it
then he talked about rockets, and i know nothing about rockets but people said he was a genius so i believed it
now he’s talking about computers, and i know a lot about computers, and he’s saying some of the most batshit insane things i’ve ever heard, so i’m starting to reevaluate my earlier choices…
then, maybe it was added to the kernel after i first tried it and i’ve been working with old assumptions.
good to know, i’ve never managed to get it working without. what’s the recommended approach then?
fuck that’s funny, didn’t even think of that
i am not assuming anything, i’m going off of what you said.
yeah sorry this thread isn’t going to go the way you think because what you’re describing is not them having thin skin, it’s you coming into a community you know nothing about and espousing your opinion as if it is fact. no wonder your thread got removed.
i don’t think that’s physically possible
bear in mind she’s the prime minister speaking officially, so she’s actively trying to speak slowly and clearly
you’re gonna get their pronunciation too and it’s going to bleed over into the rest of the language. might as well throw away your hard consonants right now, it’s all rødgrød med fløde from now on
also that behavior is interesting because it means the display is detected and the computer is drawing to it but something in your environment is unstable. check the system log for previous boot to see what screwed up.
yeah displaylink is sort of a streaming feature, but evdi is a kernel module that makes the kernel aware of multiple monitors over usb (among other things), it’s required for display plug-n-play over usb in my experience.
do you have evdi installed? and if not, does it work when you reboot with the cable connected?
if family values are indeed the cause of a huge majority of memory safety bugs i say drop that shit
yeah that’s what’s so interesting. like obviously i can see the steps with actual numbers but replace with unknowns and it’s 50-50 whether i would be able to do it. and since i work with optimisations every day, i have had to reconstruct this stuff from first principles without a theoretical understanding so i need to go the long way around every time.
that’s fair.