When is a door not a door?
When is a door not a door?
I’ve been with 1984.is for a couple of years now. I think my domains cost around 12 Euros a year each. Their web GUI works fine and I’ve never needed to contact their customer service, so I cannot comment on that.
Openwrt generally works great on x64 PCs. Thiss machine will most likely be more beefy than your home router and could become your main firewall. It can handle adblocking and vpn client for all PCs on the network as well or whatever your need, as openwrt can do many nice things no commercial router can do out of the box. Install openwrt on your home router as well and use that as access point (connected via cable). You will improve your wifi signal as well. If your machine does not come with rj45 lan ports, install usb3 to rj45 adapters to the usb3.0 ports. They will give you the full 1000 mbit speeds.
You need to change the nginx config (for the website you will be hosting your services at. /etc/nginx/sites-available/yourdomain.com
You can reroute all http requests to https in that config.
Watch a video on how nginx works and how to set it up, and then look for example nginx configs for your services. It’s a pretty standard setting nowadays so the syntax should be easy to find.
I think nginx can be setup to work locally only, but do you even need it for that? It’s primary use is to proxy http requests to the different websites running on your server, enable https via letsencryt and so on, I think.
Sure you can play doom 1 and 2 campaigns in co-op. No need for modding. You don’t even need a network card. Just buy a cable to connect both serial-ports on the PCs.
That was my first co-op experience and it still one of the best I’ve ever had.
I personally think blood omen was a way better game then all those 3d sequels. I would welcome a game in that style, kinda cool story and lots of secrets to be found.
Dawn sounds very interesting. It seems to need 802.11k and 802.11v on all AP-nodes, I am not sure they are supported by my hardware though. I’ve never heard of those standards, so it seems unlikely.
I also just read about a user complaining about crashes related to dawn. Does it run stable and does it also switch to the 5ghz band or does it seem to prefer 2,4ghz, as another user noted three years ago.
Do linkwarden instances federate, so that it can act as a decentralised way-back-machine?
Would anyone post a quick guide on how to run WhatsApp l using atl?
There is some documentation on https://gitlab.com/android_translation_layer/android_translation_layer/-/blob/master/README.md and I am rather sure it’s the right project, but some sort of installer would be nice. I think installing all those dependencies by hand is not a good solution in the long run. Wasn’t there supposed to be a flatpack container to be downloaded somewhere?
sure, use arj to compress doom to your disk:
c:\games\doom\ arj a -va a:\doom.arj
It fits on 4 floppies that way is I remember correctly.
Than one day he had an accident, they had to amputate his arms – and he was sad that day. Yes he was sad that day. He can’t surf, he can’t skate and he sure can’t masturbate no more.
This is not bad for a start (common commands):
I’ve been using natron (backing powder) for a couple of years now twice a week. I had no need for shampoo ever since. You just mix one tablespoon natron with water in a cup and are good to go. To even out the ph of the hair use a teespoon of cider vinegar mixed with water in a one of those spray cans used to water flowers. Works well for children as well, as none of this burns your eyes. As a side effect I stopped getting red eyes from using shampoo.
I’ve been using droidcamx to utilise any android phone as a webcam for a couple of years and it’s working great. Phones tend to have way better cameras compared to webcams so the video quality will be top notch in must most cases.
It’s cool they included this into android 14, though.
Dreams have symbolic meanings. They often represent things that happened in your waking life that have not been resolved. If the dream is recurring it could mean something important to you remains unresolved. If you can identify the reason for your dream and understand why are having it, it can stop recurring. For example I often dreamed about falling down a a stair at my grandparents house well into my teens. When I told my dad about it, he said I had actually fallen down a stair at home when I was two years old. The dreams stopped after that. Here the dream symbol is really close to the real thing, but it could be different in your case.
“Dialing 911 in a dream is a “cry for help” and reflects feelings of concern about a period of emotional crisis. If you are dialing 911 in a dream or someone else is, identify the emergency or urgent situation you or that person wants help with in your/their waking life. Getting a busy signal, no answer, the phone doesn’t work, or you can’t dial properly, reflect feelings of frustration, difficulty or failure to communicate your need for help with an “emergency” in your waking life.” (Cmp.: https://www.dreamdoctor.com/index.php?option=com_dreams&controller=dictionary&task=details&id=1&Itemid=24)
So try to find out what your personal emergency could be, talk to someone about it and chances are the dreams are going to stop.
How about we set a no tracking flag in our browsers for example and companies actually respect the choice? One can only dream…
Fun fact: jeder Browser hat seit ca. 2009 eine alles ablehnen flag, die jeder Nutzer einfach setzen kann. Nur keine kommerzielle Webseite hält sich daran. Es handelt sich bei cookie bannern einfach um malicious compliance seitens der Webseitenbetreiber. User ärgern sich über maximal nervende Banner auf jeder Webseite und regen sich evtl. sogar über die EU-Richtlinie auf, dabei ist die Grundidee gut und richtig, nur die Umsetzung ist bösartig gegen den Nutzer ausgerichtet. Do not track means so not track - no means no.
Another option would be to install an im server that is low on resources and not eating your sdcard. I think xmpp would work a lot better on a pi. Prosody, ejabberd or snikket should work nicely.
We managed to kill off a third of the entire bug population during the last 25 years or so.
Popos also has specific guides for these common errors: