For the young people, all cars used to come with a glow plug in the dash to light your cigarette. When did they actually stop doing that?
For the young people, all cars used to come with a glow plug in the dash to light your cigarette. When did they actually stop doing that?
For a moment I thought it was showing the reflection of a huge fireball explosion
Patient: last night (as always on the evening before dentist appointment)
Scale powers off halfway because I got distracted…
“Dad noise” in danish
Nah planes go wooosh over their heads
Not a lawyer but that does look like a very acceptable URL doesn’t it? I mean has all the normal URL dots and slashes so I’d say accept
Also, your eyes dart around and you only see a little patch. You blink. Your brain makes up a nice stable image of the world, mostly consisting of things that your brain think should be there.
Yeah same in Europe with different VAT rates between the countries, select where you’re from and shops will show price including local VAT which the shop will take care off
Eehh objects in motion stay in motion? Does that apply to ghosts? So would the ghosts fly off in straight lines since no longer subjected to suns gravity ??
I have an old mac mini running nextcloud on Ubuntu, I did upgrade memory and plug in external ssd
I think your instance is wonderfull … and you’re very nice, too
Yes you’re right , the Danes are Danish
Denmark -> Dane
I guess that actually the other way around, Denmark : Dane’s field/farm(there is a better English word for mark but can’t remember)
A bottle off rum for the morning standup?
Use ddrescue to copy to a working disk, if I remember it will try a number of times and eventually skip the broken sectors so that at least you have a working filesystem on the copy.
Great! When will this be included in teams? So that I can deepfake all meetings