I think they were just correcting the number in the post text block that should have read about 1 million dead under COVID during the Trump administration in the US alone, rather than only 200k.
I think they were just correcting the number in the post text block that should have read about 1 million dead under COVID during the Trump administration in the US alone, rather than only 200k.
I’d argue it’s because citizens have no voice. The media has there corporate narrative, but the public interest has very few organizations in advocacy of it.
Support local journalism (financially), work to break any media control on the narrative.
The first thing people could start doing is stop providing free labor to the media. It’s all over Lemmy.
Don’t link to a corporate news outlet. Link to an .edu or PBS or NPR or a quality international publicly funded news organization. Or better yet build your own narrative, your own opinions. Discuss your opinions respectfully on !politicaldiscussion@lemmy.world . Build momentum and take away the corporate medias control.
Without a public voice advocating for the people, it will be very hard to change any legislation in the peoples favor.
Excellent points and to add to that support local journalism, the smaller the better. The media is really the fourth branch of government when it comes to checks and balances. If media integrity was restored, they could use there influence to hold Congress accountable to the people.
A vegan diet - which only contains plant-based foods - can lead to deficiencies in calcium, iodine and other vital mineral nutrients. This is particularly risky for people who need extra nutrients and for growing children and adolescents. For these reasons, the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ernährung (DGE) [German Nutrition Society] advises against following a completely vegan diet.
It wasn’t a personal attack. I could see how it could be read that way but the second sentence was a point of science not insult. It’s hard to convey intention in text.
They are just my observations and interactions with vegans, and the science is clear that most vegans have nutritional deficiencies. It is extremely difficult to actually get everything you need without meat, and you essentially have to plan every single meal in a food planner. I know… I’ve tried it and even planned to a tee it is near impossible to have a balanced diet without meat. I wish it was.
Every vegan I’ve ever spoke with is rude, condescending, and Iamverysmart material. Probably due to lack of essential amino acid intake for proper brain function.
Come join us on the dark side in !cranetrainexcavators@lemmy.world
Gnome is certainly the most polished. They just need to get over the ultra minimalism though, because it is completely non functional without installing a thousand extensions.
Why they aren’t bringing back the dock is beyond insanity though. 3 million+ people agree, the dock needs to come back along with the application and places drop-down like it was in gnome 2.
Grammatically it can be properly read either way, but I think you’re right that’s probably how they meant it.
Metaverse. mozilla.social is the fediverse
must be because of the big gulp slurpies
I believe the general consensus is that hooking a smart TV to the Internet is generally a bad idea.
The two PCs were identical hardware btw, so in my case Live just worked 10x better.
I mean the Vero V seems to be a nice polished experience. It’s just a lot of work to setup a linux box and get it to work, the latter being the hard part. The wiimote and the flirc have some comments in reviews about being poor experiences, and I just want it to be on par with the Roku or it’ll wind up in the trash heap. I don’t mind paying a little bit extra for a finished solution, and it seems like a plus that the Vero is a community/libre project.
trying to get away from Google services / looking for a libre solution.
I would 100% do this (minus the pirating part) if there was a way to get a tv style remote for the box. That’s the biggest obstacle for me because I’ve never been able to find a PC/tv remote and non technical users will be using the TV.
Android/Google telemetry.
I’d like just one piece of technology that doesn’t use my information to sell to the highest bidder.
I’ve only recently switched to Debian after a couple decades with Ubuntu (because snaps) and I had a few issues during installation.
The net install failed to configure my wifi so I had to download the DVD/CD install. That worked but then I had to manually nano several config files to fix about 5 broken things for some reason.
I installed it recently on a different system, and went with the Live option (gnome) and it installed 10x easier and smoother than Ubuntu. It installed in about 4 minutes (on a new/fast computer).
So I would say Debian Live is VERY beginner friendly, but the other install methods are all messed up for some reason. Ubuntu’s default option is the Live option so I think that if Debian just kinda hid the other options on their website it would be 100% beginner friendly…
It’s simply tribalism at this point. Most people who still support Trump are simply supporting their tribe, whereas on the left most people still believe in the virtues and merits of democracy.
I still feel like democracy will win the day. Most of Trump supporters are 50/60+ and his message doesn’t seem to resonate as well with younger people.
Feel free to post any political stuff to !politicaldiscussion@lemmy.world if you’d like. You’re welcome to crosspost this there too if you’d like more discussion on it.