Do you know about this homemade remake? I adore the love and ingenuity that went into making it :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29s1yU3nGkQ
Do you know about this homemade remake? I adore the love and ingenuity that went into making it :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29s1yU3nGkQ
For me, it’s Poor Things. I watched it three times in a row, when it came out. First of all, it’s a perfectly executed movie for me, the style, the acting, the storytelling, Emma Stone. What makes it special for me, is that it embodies everything I like about my sexuality and I hope that humanity is heading in that direction of norm-breaking freedom of leading your life. Yorgos Lanthimos has a way of transporting a fresh view on possible paths for society.
I fully agree on the safety razor! I got so frustrated with the multiblade razors. Since I tried the safety razor, I never looked back. And as a woman, I don’t have a beard or super thick hair, they work their charm just the same :)
Maybe Munchhausen by proxy… But I’m no professional
I can understand your perspective, but I want to offer an alternative view, maybe less bound to societal preconceptions. I married my partner for many reasons, financial, wanting to raise a child together, wanting to share my life with them… But staying married for the rest of our lives is a crazy concept for us. The marriage has its purposes, but we both know that life can change and that we could decide that we had a good time, and that now the time has come to move on. A marriage is less romanticised for us, it has practical reasons. I guess being polyamorous helps with defining new relationship ideas on many levels ;)
Well, in German we say “bitte” or “gern geschehen”, which is close to the “welcome”. Of course, people can and do also say “kein Problem”. I guess in my experience it depends on how I feel about the task and the person I did it for.
Kleo ist super :)
Your comment made me think of this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQDdmobnGcw I don’t know if it really fits your case, but the general message of men oftentimes not learning to keep up social relationships and that it sometimes huts them in the long run might be something to be aware of :)
Thank you, I didn’t know the song and I am deeply moved by it ❤️
Thanks to your comment I finally understood, why I always had an aversion to competitive games. No joy in winning/destroying another, so much frustration when I lose.
I don’t know Primewire, so I’m just leaving you the websites of the German public broadcasters here, they rarely have mainstream popular stuff, but maybe something fits your need:
If you want to download or watch those productions on mobile, I can recommend https://f-droid.org/en/packages/de.christinecoenen.code.zapp
Ich feiere das, was ihr geschafft habt, und es gibt mir ein Gefühl von Verbundenheit. Wir bekommen Positives vermutlich zu wenig mit, dabei gibt es so viele, die sich stark machen! Ich sende dir eine Umarmung!
Ich werde auch im Ernstfall in Deutschland bleiben, ich möchte dieses schöne Land nicht aufgeben, nur weil ein paar laute Menschen es in den Abgrund ziehen.
Danke :)
War bei mir genauso, ich habe vor mehreren Wochen probiert, eine Impfung zu bekommen, aber wurde abgewiesen mit dem Hinweis, dass es nur für bestimmte Personengruppen möglich ist. Tja, jetzt lieg ich seit Montag flach mit dem scheiß und könnte gerade fluchen, dass ich mir nicht einfach eine Begründung ausgedacht habe. Aber ich dachte mir halt auch: “ist wahrscheinlich sinnvoll so, vielleicht gibt es zu wenig Impfstoff oder so…”
Haha, just like that “you can’t lick your elbow” :D
I learned way too late about the fertility cycle of my female reproductive organs. What, I can feel my cervix, if I just reach into my vagina deep enough?! And oh, so during my fertile days, my vulva will get slippery, my cervix is soft like my earlobe, and my cervical mucus becomes stretchy like egg white?! Also, my body temperature rises?! And on the not-so-fertile days, my cervix is closed, feels harder (like the tip of my nose), and none or less mucus. That’s wild, so much to learn about a body that I thought I knew!
(You can use these observations to contracept or to become pregnant, but if you do, please inform yourself about Natural Family Planning (NFP) or the sympto-thermal method. It takes a routine and some experience for it to be reliable, but once you get the hang of it, it is awesome!)
I recently learned that the full quote goes like this: “Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than master of one.” Thought that might reconcile you with the phrase :)