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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Dark Messiah: First person action RPG where you kick Orcs into spikes a lot. Add some more gimmicks, more verticality and enemy variety, basically done.

    C&C Generals: Sequel was planned but canceled. The original still has a following, AoE2 had multiple profitable remasters. The genre might be more niche but it isn’t dead.

    Bulletstorm: Stupid fun FPS with a ridiculous story, not quite a “boomer shooter” but a sequel could definitely profit from that current trend.

    Also Slay the Spire and Cyberpunk 2077, but those are actually happening.

  • Wouldn’t it be neat if companies weren’t flocking to a few neighborhoods in a few cities, creating not only traffic jams but driving up housing prices as well? Isn’t it silly how local governments are competing on who can throw the most money at private enterprise to get the new widget factory or tech campus built there?

  • Maybe try looking at it from the point of view of the individual people living there (and having been born there for generations) instead of whatever strategic/historical layer you’re on. The state of Israel exists and won’t be going away, that’s a fact. You can hate the injustice if you want but it would still be better if they’d finally make peace and just live in the present instead of murdering each other over the past. But neither leadership is willing to do that.

    Okay, now you can continue scolding me. Don’t forget to link this to Russia’s attack on Ukraine!