It has not taken over NGINX and Apache yet.
It has not taken over NGINX and Apache yet.
It’s okay to pay for a service that you use daily.
I don’t, but I disagree it’s “to throw money away”.
I don’t get why there are so many fonts
Because anyone can design one.
Fira Sans / FiraGO by Mozilla, and the new SUSE font by SUSE.
I am not debating on the positive outcome of it… I simply never heard of it.
What is a food card, and food stamps? Is this some kind of US-only dystopia?
“Frigate lost.”
think I read somewhere
Doesn’t make it true.
Maybe not during the lecture, but before or after.
I disagree. You and I are a target group, and we are not special.
It seems there is no good taste left in younger generations.
Maybe there is, but good ideas still need funding. The same old soup is a safer investment than an original one.
The fork is not maintained by LibreOffice.
Half of the Daily Mail headlines are like this.
2016 is a little far, isn’t it?
Unity is one example I cared about.
It’s a latin font.
Designing all unicode characters would be madness.
Doxxed = looked up on Instagram.
She makes her photos public for everyone to see, it’s not doxxing.