And one gun
Maybe this is supposed to read like an incantation, like Power Word: Pain
Wizard Nut: Grindr
In 20 years, it’ll be a temperate climate.
PSA: Lots of public libraries (Idk about college ones) have separate printers that are specifically for books. They can help you with binding and everything.
Time to switch to Marvel Flatpak
If it gets any more powerful, it might be able to solve the halting problem.
Idk man, kids can adapt to pretty much any condition. It’s mostly other people’s reactions that make it hard. I don’t think you make that better by saying they’re justified in their prejudices.
Edit: Crap, I didn’t realize this was about you. I stand by it though.
Heck em. I’ve known people with similarly traumatic childhoods who turned out to be amazing — quirks and all.
There’s so much more time than you realize, and Future You™ will have a very different attitude about this stuff after you get some distance from it.
For whom
My sister had a Plymouth Duster with little flaps under the dash that you could open to vent in some air from the outside.
The faster you go, the cooler you are. And also cooler.
I suppose you’re right. It’s just another tool for helping you abide by immutable practices without forcing immutability as an unbreakable rule.
NixOS is kinda the best of both worlds, because it does everything in a way that is compatible with an immutable fs, but it doesn’t force you into abiding by immutability yourself.
You can always opt into immutability by using Impermanence, but I’ve never seen any reason to.
Edit: That said, the syntax has a steep learning curve and there are tons of annoying edge cases that spawn out of the measures it takes to properly isolate things. It can be a lot to micromanage, so if you’d rather just use your system more than tinker with it, it may not be a good fit.
Everything is open source if you can read assembly.
This is why a positive kind of masculinity also needs to reject patriarchy and capitalism.
“Producing more than you take” doesn’t have to mean money. (Though I did mean money in my original comment, cuz Zuck is a greedy monster.)
Just listening to people more than you demand to be listened to. Doing chores that you know your friends and family hate. Sharing your knowledge. Cooking. Fixing things. There are so many ways you can contribute to your group that don’t take money, and don’t even take much time.
Being financially responsible and helping people when you can is important, don’t get me wrong.
But seeing your worth in purely financial terms is really limiting and unhealthy for the individual, and also tends to create perverse hierarchies inside of families.
Masculinity isn’t just for men. Just like femininity isn’t just for women. A healthy person has a mix of these qualities, along with many others that we don’t tend to align with a specific gender.
When I say “a real man”, I don’t mean it as an objective assessment to stick a person neatly into one of two piles. That’s not how gender works, and it’s not how being a person in general works.
What I mean is that if you’re indulging in behavior like belittling other people for fun or “cool points”, or using your power or physical strength to get what you want, and calling that “being a man”, then your idea of manhood is a mirage. If you want to aspire to something based on your male gender identity, aspire to humility, vigilance, and service to others. Those are great qualities that anyone can have, but they’re especially important for men if we’re gonna have a respectful and productive society.
(Edit: I didn’t downvote you btw. I thought your comment was pretty reasonable and mild. But I did wanna take the opportunity to elaborate, because this topic can be complex and emotionally charged. We all have a lot of baggage when it comes to gender, and it’s hard on the internet to develop rapport with each other.)
He’s right about one thing: There is a serious lack of actual masculinity among our leaders.
Most public figures who try to present some form of “masculinity” are just desperate and petty, willing to sacrifice nothing to earn their status, and eager to degrade others to look better by comparison.
A real man produces more than he needs, but takes only that much and ensures the rest goes to those who are less able to sustain themselves. They protect the defenseless, elevate those who are ignored, and invest in a future they won’t personally live to enjoy.
Show me a real man among you. It’s not femininity keeping you from finding one. It’s your own greed and hubris.
“Dropped a pork chop” is slang, pretty sure
They just use the inspect tool to edit your balance client side
I think you’re thinking of scenarios where you’re on a call with the scammer and they’ve remoted into your machine.
“Here comes an S!”
If I’m not gonna quickly form an opinion on something I just saw for the first time and immediately proclaim it to millions of strangers in a way it can never be deleted, then what’s the point?