Its apparently missing a dolphin.
Its apparently missing a dolphin.
To be fair, the Milky Way is surrounded by a few remnants of smaller galaxies it previously collided with and absorbed.
Highly recommend:
Crucible of War
Einstein’s Telescope.
1176 BC
The other side of history: daily life in the Ancient world
Yes, I’m hedging it off her making up a new reason, the cat, to stay angry.
And that he already has a whole sentence of things he knows he has to say.
She is emotionally abusing you.
Timing is about right for it to be a batch of newly minted CS grads getting into their first corporate jobs.
It’s an issue given that almost everything everyone buys relies on sea traffic. If it doesn’t, then something required to make it did.
For example: the amount of wheat and grain that travels via ship is insane. And those facilities can’t just be built overnight. They need railways to be built and need massive amounts of concrete that itself needs months to years to properly cure so that they can store grain in it. And without those facilities, many parts of the world not directly at sea level will suffer and starve.
No. The melting of the ice caps is now self-sustaining. We dont have enough energy as a species to begin to reverse it now, and it is making itself worse now with every day.
The current glacier they’re worried about in Antarctica is estimated to increase global sea levels by up to 3 meters.
That, by itself puts every single port in the world partially underwater, and most of the major airports too. That means every developed country in the world is looking at death and famine at a scale not seen since the Permian Extinction.
And thats just one glaicier that will be popping before 2030. All of Greenland is also in the process of popping, and that could mean 10m plus of sea level rise by 2050.
Climate change.
Ww3 may or may not happen. Hopefully not.
But regardless of that, Climate change will wipe us out.
Its from the book 1176 BC by Eric H Cline.
End of the bronze age. Have a set of letters between citystate rulers, one writing that help is urgently needed as seaborne invaders have been spotted nearby and his military is off with the hittite empire.
The response back, in modern slang amounts to “lol ur fucked.”
Its adding whiskey, gin, rum or bourbon, depending on the tea(white/herbal or Rooibos for no caffeine) for variations on the Hot Toddy.
Cream of Earl Grey black tea if before 3pm.
If after 3pm, A Bourbon-flavoured rooibos.
If after 8pm, its not just bourbon flavoured anymore.
Simple, the original team that made DA:O went off to do other things or was promoted into management where they did well, but couldn’t replicate the magic of their OG team.
While thats technically allowed in Canada. When the Conservative party tried to do it under Harper and then-minister Poilievre to start stacking the court system with cronies, every part of the system raised hell enough for evem those religious nutters to back off.
MBAs who contract dev work out to India to make a quick buck without realizing how bad the code they’re going to get back usually is.
Shoutout to Raj the QA lead I worked with in India though. That dude’s team was thorough.
In windows 10 you can reenable it, but you have dig a bit in the power management control panel to do so.
Its unfortunate that this thinking has bled over to Linux.
Im not saying use Edge or Bing.
I use firefox and admittedly Bing and DDG.
Im in the same boat as you, when 10 goes, Im going to go back to(see Vista Era) linux as much as possible.
That gap has flipped. Bing never told me to put glue on pizza or to jump off a bridge if depressed.
Good luck, you missed your chance to buy and/or acquire a sign from Bed, Bath and Beyond.