What if youre working with library types? The problem is not not you compare a bunch of fields but that the implementation on those members is most likely bad.
What if youre working with library types? The problem is not not you compare a bunch of fields but that the implementation on those members is most likely bad.
I’d argue that the reason this is so bad in other languages is because of horrible default implementations. Look at tostring in java, getting a somewhat printable object would be easy if the default implementation would use reflection or sth to print the object, but instead it prints hash gibberish no one cares about.
Every high civilisation in history thought they would witness the the end, I doubt we are the special ones to do so
Sway, will try the new cosmic once its in beta
Bought a new phone and still find myself searching for the audio plug every time i pick up my headset…
I might give them the benefit of the doubt and say its a translation issue
Space-time itself is curved, therefore everything is moving in a straight line, it only appears to be curved to the outside observer
UserAgent -> google chrome desktoo
Can someone explain the background of this guy lying there (and in other memes)? I’m afraid i don’t know what this is about, pls
I mean its already in the nix repos as well as homebrew which means its essentially taken care of
I heard the wayland compositor niri is inspired by paperwm, fyi. Also I doubt that cosmic will be very extendable when it releases, since most components are rewritten in rust and compiled, thus unless they specifically add some sort of scripting support extensions wont happen as easily as on gnome
Imo you immensely overestimate the capabilities of these models. What they show to the public are always hand picked situations even if they say they dont
I whish i would just meow… Im just screaming randomly
Does’nt work as well when you’re mad at yourself though…
Only if they actually port it which is what they claim they will do but until then not at all
Its more about using your own shortcuts if you dont like some which is what you should do whatever editor you use
That shows how dangerous dead or damaged tries in a city can be, that tree could have fallen apart anytime
I wanted to try zig a couple of times now but was always put off by lacking tooling and generally bad compiler errors. Its kinda hard to justify spending time on something if you see the compiler point out an error inside a standart lib zig file and there is no directon for a fix whatsoever. Im hoping it’ll get better because the language seems really great
Guys stop getting upset, he didnt play any of them