i’m a little confused why you ever “always considered [yourself] bi”, when nothing you’ve told us here even remotely seems to point you to that conclusion.
i’m a little confused why you ever “always considered [yourself] bi”, when nothing you’ve told us here even remotely seems to point you to that conclusion.
wow, there are some really steaming takes on anarchism in the comments here.
what makes their office software so much better than, say, libreoffice? i don’t work an office job, and haven’t had the misfortune of running windows since i dropped windows 7, but when i did switch, the programs seemed basically the same. office software seemed like a solved problem by then. what new features has microsoft added and convinced people they need that foss options don’t have?
i’m not sure i understand the question. if it is meant to ask what experience i’ve had that no other living person has or ever will experience again, then i’m probably not old enough in my mid 30s to lay any such claim. this doesn’t seem likely to be what you mean though, since it should be obvious to you that you aren’t the only surviving person who used the internet in the 90s.
my second interpretation of the question would be that you want to know what experience i am the most recent person to have experienced, which would work with your example, if you consider the ‘early’ internet to have ended and become the regular internet, right after you first got online. for that, a couple hours ago, i walked atop a particular out of the way concrete block wall on my way home. probably nobody has done that since then.
maybe half an hour ago, when i jumped into bed. before that, i jumped up or over a few ledges on my walk home from work. wild to me that anyone is citing a timeframe longer than a day to be honest,
i’m sorry, are you asking about psychopathy or psychosis? very different subjects. either way, i don’t think they’re considered generally praiseworthy.
literally the plot of Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972).
what on earth do you mean by ‘produce a meditation’?
i just use a hat or a bandana to keep it back when i’m eating.
no, i didn’t, there’s a fair few communities there i’m in, and it’d be a shame to lose them.
oh no! i hope they can get back up somewhere. anyone know what’s going on, if their admin is posting about this elsewhere or something?
where did you come across this? if it’s a web page or something, it should be pretty easy to sleuth it out.
i don’t think any of those four fellows in the OP killed themselves, and in fact, they all lived to ripe old ages.
that line only appears straight because of the map projection being used. the one that appears curved is actually straight on a globe. you could construct a different projection that made that straight line appear straight (though other straight lines would thereby be distorted instead). latitude lines are not straight lines, and never have been, except the equator.
maybe it’s to distinguish from all the other funky shaped tortilla chips you can get these days? like, there’s ones that are little strips, or whole round tiny tortillas, or weird little bowl shapes.
i don’t even understand what you think ‘straight’ and ‘curved’ even mean at this point.
of course the shortest distance is a straight line, that’s literally the definition of a straight line.
if you think it’s all likely to fall apart soon, file asap if you’re expecting to get money back, but put it off as long as possible if you’re gonna have to pay them more. if the government is going down, might as well get your piece of it while you can.
that only seems to talk about the use of the fasces as a symbol, which is pretty different from explicitly calling oneselves fascists, or holding specifically fascist beliefs. the same article lists a ton of other places one can find fasces. the symbol is much older than the ideology, but that doesn’t mean anything using the symbol shares the ideology.