Looks like FairEmail
Looks like FairEmail
Although I agree with the rest of the comment, I would suggest a less brutal activity, such as a hiking or bird watching.
These also require less equipment.
don’t give more to someone then they give to you
I tend to disagree on that one. Random acts of kindness/selflessness to people, even complete strangers, can bring bonus satisfaction to your life (and sometimes will be paid back). Make it a habit to give to people, when you have the chance, especially if it is low effort.
If you have people around you that just constantly leech off of you, then I agree: don’t let yourself be sucked dry.
Now imagine there’s an outdoor barbecue and you’re a pig and the only person speaking up for you is disregarded by everybody else as a dysfunctional nutter.
Artgerecht ist nur die Freiheit.
Then you probably understand that the hate is primarily a coping mechanism because vegans propose arguments that question their lifestyle. It’s a “them” problem, not a “you” problem.
If you value consistency, don’t let a few jerks push you into a behavior that isn’t true to yourself. Don’t come up with fake reasons for why you neglect to partake in rituals that don’t respect the rights of animals.
State your real reasons. This is also better for the animals. If someone then wants to start a discussion, you can still politely refuse.